Dim e As RequestEventArgs = args(0)
Dim wb As New WeUI
Dim PageNumber As Integer = e.GetValues("page")
Dim PrimaryKey As Integer = e.GetValues("key")
If e.PostValues.Count = 0 Then
wb.AddForm("","form1","./ff.htm?key=" & PrimaryKey & "&page=" & PageNumber)
With wb.AddButtonGroup("form1","btg1",False)
With .Add("btn1","同意","submit")
.Kind = 2
.Attribute= "" '调用js函数上传
End With
Dim tp As Integer
With .Add("btn1","同意1","submit","./ff.htm?key=" & PrimaryKey & "&page=" & PageNumber & "&tp= 1")
.Kind = 2
.Attribute= "" '调用js函数上传
End With
With .Add("btn1","同意2","button","./ff.htm?key=" & PrimaryKey & "&page=" & PageNumber & "&tp= 2")
.Kind = 2
.Attribute= "" '调用js函数上传
End With
End With
Dim str As String = e.GetValues("tp") '获取传递过来的值,以判断用户点了哪个按键
End If
e.WriteString(wb.Build) '生成网页