Vars("SysUpdatePrintInfo") = True
With RibbonTabs("功能区1")("功能组1")("HGroup")
.Items.Clear '清除原有项目
For Each c As Col In CurrentTable.Cols '遍历当前表中的列
If c.IsString Then
Dim b As New RibbonMenu.Button(c.Name)
b.Text = c.Name '按钮的标题也等于列名称
End If
End With
With RibbonTabs("功能区1")("功能组1")("VGroup")
.Items.Clear '清除原有项目
For Each c As Col In CurrentTable.Cols '遍历当前表中的列
If c.IsString Then
Dim b As New RibbonMenu.Button(c.Name)
b.Text = c.Name '按钮的标题也等于列名称
End If
End With
With RibbonTabs("功能区1")("功能组1")("TotalOn")
.Items.Clear '清除原有项目
For Each c As Col In CurrentTable.Cols '遍历当前表中的列
If c.IsNumeric Then
Dim b As New RibbonMenu.Button(c.Name)
b.Text = c.Name '按钮的标题也等于列名称
End If
End With