以文本方式查看主题 - Foxtable(狐表) (http://foxtable.com/bbs/index.asp) -- 专家坐堂 (http://foxtable.com/bbs/list.asp?boardid=2) ---- [求助]生成word报表后,合并第一列单元格 (http://foxtable.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=95616) |
-- 作者:jyh7081 -- 发布时间:2017/1/25 16:11:00 -- [求助]生成word报表后,合并第一列单元格 蓝版主好! 以前问过的问题,没能够完全解决。现在重新设计了Word模板,其他代码都有了,想增加下列两项: 1、生成word报表后,如果该行第二列的值为空,那么删除该行; 2、然后再合并第一列单元格。 附件
-- 作者:有点蓝 -- 发布时间:2017/1/26 15:09:00 -- \'\'\' \'word报表:带表格 Dim clbx1 As WinForm.CheckedListBox = e.Form.Controls("CheckedListBox1") Dim clbx2 As WinForm.CheckedListBox = e.Form.Controls("CheckedListBox2") For Each j As String In clbx2.CheckedIndices Dim tm As String = ProjectPath & "模板文件\\" & clbx2.Items(j) \'指定模板文件 For Each i As Integer In clbx1.CheckedIndices Dim fl As String = ProjectPath & "成品文件\\" & clbx1.items(i) & clbx2.Items(j) \'指定目标文件 Dim nm As String = CurrentTable.Name Dim dr As DataRow =DataTables(nm).Find("名称 = \'" & clbx1.items(i) & "\'") If dr IsNot Nothing Dim wrt As New WordReport(Tables(nm),tm,fl) \'定义一个WordReport wrt.BuildOne(dr) wrt.quit Dim app As New MSWord.Application try Dim doc = app.Documents.Open(fl) doc.Content.Find.Execute(FindText:="^l", replacewith:="^p", Replace:=2) doc.Content.Find.Execute(FindText:="^13", replacewith:="^p", Replace:=2) For Each k As object In doc.Paragraphs k.Range.Select If Len(k.Range.text) = 1 Then k.Range.Delete Do If app.Selection.Characters(1).Text = Chr(10) Then app.Selection.Characters(1).Delete Loop Until app.Selection.Characters(1).Text <> Chr(10) Next \'删除表格空行: Dim tb As Object, r As Object With Doc Dim c1 As object Dim c2 As object Dim text As String For Each tb In .Tables Dim count As Integer = 0 For Each r In tb.Rows c1 = r.Cells(2) text = doc.Range(c1.Range.Start, c1.Range.End - 1).Text If len(text) = 0 Then r.Delete End If Next Dim dict As new Dictionary(of Integer, object) Dim lst As new List(of String) For i2 As Integer = 1 To tb.Range.cells.count c1 = tb.Range.cells(i2) If c1.ColumnIndex = 1 Then dict.Add(i2,c1) lst.Add(i2) End If Next c1 = dict(lst(lst.Count -1)) text = doc.Range(c1.Range.Start, c1.Range.End - 1).Text For j2 As Integer = lst.Count -2 To 0 Step -1 c2 = dict(lst(j2)) Dim txt = doc.Range(c2.Range.Start, c2.Range.End - 1).Text If txt = text Then c2.Merge(c1) c2.Range.Text = text Else text = txt End If c1 = c2 Next Next End With doc.save app.quit catch ex As exception msgbox(ex.message) app.quit End try End If Next Next \'提示窗口:是否查看 Dim Result As DialogResult Result = MessageBox.Show("文书生成完毕!"& vbcrlf &"是---查看"& vbcrlf &"否---退出", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) If Result = DialogResult.Yes Then Dim Proc As New Process Proc.File = ProjectPath & "\\成品文件" proc.start Forms("生成文书").Close() Else Forms("生成文书").Close() End If