以文本方式查看主题 - Foxtable(狐表) (http://foxtable.com/bbs/index.asp) -- 专家坐堂 (http://foxtable.com/bbs/list.asp?boardid=2) ---- 2个字符串的比较。 (http://foxtable.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=88233) |
-- 作者:huhu -- 发布时间:2016/7/29 14:42:00 -- 2个字符串的比较。 Dim yphsl As WinForm.Button = e.Form.Controls("Button5") Dim bfhfh As WinForm.Button = e.Form.Controls("Button6") Dim phwc As WinForm.Button = e.Form.Controls("配货完成") Select Case e.DataCol.name Case "SN" If Not e.DataRow.IsNull("SN") Then Dim dr As Row = Tables("销售出库单列表").current Dim drs As List(Of DataRow) = DataTables("库存明细表").SQLSelect("订单号 = \'" & dr("销售订单号") & "\' and 物料编码 = \'" & dr("存货编码") & "\' and 状态 = \'入库完成\'","","在库生命周期 DESC") If dr IsNot Nothing Then Dim count As Integer = e.DataTable.Compute("count(sn)","订单号=\'" & dr("销售订单号") & "\' and 物料编码=\'" & dr("存货编码") & "\' and 状态 = \'配货完成\' and SN is not null") If count >= dr("数量") Then dr("配货状态") = True dr.save Tables("配货整理_table1").Filter = "发货单号 = \'" & Vars("u8fhdh") & "\' and 存货编码 = \'" & Vars("chbm") & "\'" Return End If For Each fdr As DataRow In drs msgbox(fdr("SN") & vbcrlf & e.DataRow("SN") & vbcrlf & (fdr("SN") = e.DataRow("SN"))) If fdr("SN") = e.DataRow("SN") Then Dim mr As DataRow = DataTables("配货扫描").find("SN = \'" & e.DataRow("SN") & "\' And _Identify <> \'" & e.DataRow("_Identify") & "\'") If mr IsNot Nothing Then e.DataRow("状态") = "配货重复扫描" e.DataRow("数量") = 0 e.DataRow.save Else fdr("状态") = "配货完成" fdr("配货完成时间") = Date.now fdr("U8发货单号") = Vars("u8fhdh") fdr("业务员") = dr("业务员") fdr("货运单号") = dr("货运单号") fdr("发货地址") = dr("发货地址") fdr("数量") = 0 fdr.Save Dim nms() As String = {"生产订单号码","工单行号","物料编码","物料名称","类别说明","产品批次","订单号","订单行号","客户","备注","软件版本","MAC","HW","入库单号","库位类别","库位编码","入库完成时间","入库方式","在库生命周期"} For Each nm As String In nms e.DataRow(nm) = fdr(nm) Next e.DataRow("数量") = 1 e.DataRow("状态") = "配货完成" e.DataRow("配货完成时间") = Date.now e.DataRow("U8发货单号") = Vars("u8fhdh") e.DataRow.save Dim sum2 As Integer sum2 = DataTables("配货扫描").SQLCompute("Sum(数量)","订单号=\'" & dr("销售订单号") & "\' and 物料编码=\'" & dr("存货编码") & "\' and 状态 = \'配货完成\'") yphsl.text = "订单号:" & dr("销售订单号") & "+" & "物料编码:" & dr("存货编码") & "已完成配货数量" & "=" & sum2 End If End If Next Dim count1 As Integer = e.DataTable.Compute("count(sn)","订单号=\'" & dr("销售订单号") & "\' and 物料编码=\'" & dr("存货编码") & "\' and 状态 = \'配货完成\' and SN is not null") msgbox(count1) msgbox(dr("数量")) If count1 > dr("数量") Then e.DataRow("数量") = 0 e.DataRow("物料编码") = dr("存货编码") e.DataRow("订单号") = dr("销售订单号") e.DataRow("状态") = "不符合出库条件" e.DataRow.save Dim count2 As Integer = e.DataTable.Compute("count(sn)","订单号=\'" & dr("销售订单号") & "\' and 物料编码=\'" & dr("存货编码") & "\' and 状态 = \'不符合出库条件\' and SN is not null") bfhfh.text = "不符合出库SN有" & count2 Tables("配货整理_table4").Filter = "订单号=\'" & dr("销售订单号") & "\' and 物料编码=\'" & dr("存货编码") & "\' and 状态 = \'不符合出库条件\'" Return End If End If End If End Select Dim r As Row = Tables("销售出库单列表").Current If r("配货状态") = False Then phwc.Enabled = False Else phwc.Enabled = True End If msgbox(fdr("SN") & vbcrlf & e.DataRow("SN") & vbcrlf & (fdr("SN") = e.DataRow("SN")))---弹出如附件图。 fdr("SN") = 00315072808 e.datarow("SN") = 00315072808 那么fdr("SN") = e.datarow("SN") 结果为false? |
-- 作者:Hyphen -- 发布时间:2016/7/29 15:00:00 -- msgbox(fdr("SN").Length) msgbox(e.datarow("SN").Length) 看看长度是否一致
-- 作者:huhu -- 发布时间:2016/7/29 16:35:00 -- 确实是length不一样,结尾增加了一个空格。 请帮我看一下,红色代码有问题吗?怎么不执行蓝色的代码? If fdr("SN") = e.DataRow("SN") Then Dim mr As DataRow = DataTables("配货扫描").find("SN = \'" & e.DataRow("SN") & "\' And _Identify <> \'" & e.DataRow("_Identify") & "\'") If mr IsNot Nothing Then e.DataRow("状态") = "配货重复扫描" e.DataRow("数量") = 0 e.DataRow.save Else |
-- 作者:狐狸爸爸 -- 发布时间:2016/7/29 16:38:00 -- 不执行,说明条件不符合,说明mr不是nothing,说明表存在符合条件的行。 |