以文本方式查看主题 - Foxtable(狐表) (http://foxtable.com/bbs/index.asp) -- 专家坐堂 (http://foxtable.com/bbs/list.asp?boardid=2) ---- 如何不建立窗口生成雷达图并保存为图片文件呢? (http://foxtable.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=68487) |
-- 作者:kgdce -- 发布时间:2015/5/19 9:45:00 -- 如何不建立窗口生成雷达图并保存为图片文件呢? 如何不建立窗口生成雷达图并保存为图片文件呢? Dim c1Chart1 = Forms("窗口2").Controls("Chart1").BaseControl c1Chart1.ChartGroups(0).ChartType = C1.Win.C1Chart.Chart2DTypeEnum.Radar 这段代码是在窗口中生成雷达图 Dim Chart As New ChartBuilder Dim Series As WinForm.ChartSeries Chart.DataTable = DataTables("选项") Chart.SeriesList.Clear() Chart.DataTable = DataTables("选项") Chart.SeriesList.Clear() Series = Chart.SeriesList.Add() Series.X.DataField = "选项" & a1 Series.Y.DataField = "数量" & a1 Series.DataLabelText = "{#YVAL}" Chart.ChartType = ChartTypeEnum.Bar \'设置图表类型 Chart.AxisX.AnnoWithLabels = True \'启用字符标示 Chart.VisualEffect = True \'加上这一行,让你的图表更漂亮 Chart.FooterText="各选项对应人数示意图" Chart.PrintWidth = 100 Chart.PrintHeight = 140 Chart.BarClusterWidth = 60 Chart.SaveImage(ProjectPath & "Images\\xx" & a1 & ".wmf") 这段代码不在窗口生成图表,而是直接建立图表保存为图 问题:如何不利用窗口控件又能生成雷达图并保存为图片文件呢? |
-- 作者:Bin -- 发布时间:2015/5/19 9:51:00 -- 一定要利用窗口控件呢. |
-- 作者:kgdce -- 发布时间:2015/5/19 9:53:00 -- 代码: Dim Chart As New ChartBuilder \'定义一个图表变量 上面的代码可以直接在命令窗口执行,无须新建一个窗口并插入Char控件来测试 可是下面雷达图的例子的代码如何改才能有不建窗口而能生成图片呢? |
-- 作者:Bin -- 发布时间:2015/5/19 10:05:00 -- Dim c1Chart1 = Forms("窗口1").Controls("Chart1").BaseControl 改为 Dim c1Chart1 = new C1.Win.C1Chart.C1Chart
-- 作者:kgdce -- 发布时间:2015/5/19 10:28:00 -- 请帮助在例子上修改测试一下 |
-- 作者:Bin -- 发布时间:2015/5/19 10:40:00 -- Dim c1Chart1 = new C1.Win.C1Chart.C1Chart c1Chart1.ChartGroups(0).ChartType = C1.Win.C1Chart.Chart2DTypeEnum.Radar c1Chart1.BackColor = Color.White \' Setup the header and footer c1Chart1.Header.Style.Font = New Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 9, FontStyle.Bold) c1Chart1.Header.Text = "Employment Candidate Review" c1Chart1.Footer.Visible = False \' Setup the legend c1Chart1.Legend.Compass = C1.Win.C1Chart.CompassEnum.South c1Chart1.Legend.Orientation = C1.Win.C1Chart.LegendOrientationEnum.Horizontal c1Chart1.Legend.Visible = True \' Setup the Axis X Dim ax As C1.Win.C1Chart.Axis = c1Chart1.ChartArea.AxisX ax.Font = New Font("Arial", 8) ax.Thickness = 2 ax.AnnoMethod = C1.Win.C1Chart.AnnotationMethodEnum.ValueLabels ax.GridMajor.Color = Color.DarkGray ax.GridMajor.Pattern = C1.Win.C1Chart.LinePatternEnum.Solid ax.GridMajor.Thickness = 2 ax.GridMajor.Visible = True \' Setup the value labels Dim vlbl As C1.Win.C1Chart.ValueLabel = ax.ValueLabels.AddNewLabel() vlbl.NumericValue = 1 vlbl.Text = "Experience" vlbl = ax.ValueLabels.AddNewLabel() vlbl.NumericValue = 2 vlbl.Text = "Education" vlbl = ax.ValueLabels.AddNewLabel() vlbl.NumericValue = 3 vlbl.Text = "Communication" vlbl = ax.ValueLabels.AddNewLabel() vlbl.NumericValue = 4 vlbl.Text = "Friendliness" vlbl = ax.ValueLabels.AddNewLabel() vlbl.NumericValue = 5 vlbl.Text = "Presentation" vlbl = ax.ValueLabels.AddNewLabel() vlbl.NumericValue = 6 vlbl.Text = "Expression" \' Setup the Axis Y Dim ay As C1.Win.C1Chart.Axis = c1Chart1.ChartArea.AxisY ay.Min = 0 ay.Max = 5 ay.UnitMinor = 0 ay.UnitMajor = 1 ay.Compass = C1.Win.C1Chart.CompassEnum.North c1Chart1.UseAntiAliasedGraphics = True \'输入具体数据生成图表 c1Chart1.ChartGroups(0).ChartType = C1.Win.C1Chart.Chart2DTypeEnum.Radar Dim series As C1.Win.C1Chart.ChartDataSeriesCollection = c1Chart1.ChartGroups(0).ChartData.SeriesList series.RemoveAll() \' Fill the X array Dim x As Integer() = CType(Array.CreateInstance(Gettype(Integer), 6), Integer()) Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To x.Length - 1 x(i) = i + 1 Next i \' Add one series Dim s As C1.Win.C1Chart.ChartDataSeries = series.AddNewSeries() s.LineStyle.Color = Color.SeaGreen s.LineStyle.Thickness = 2 s.LineStyle.Pattern = C1.Win.C1Chart.LinePatternEnum.Solid s.SymbolStyle.Color = Color.FromArgb(90, Color.Lime) s.SymbolStyle.Shape = C1.Win.C1Chart.SymbolShapeEnum.Tri s.SymbolStyle.Size = 8 s.Label = "Michael Johnson" s.Display = C1.Win.C1Chart.SeriesDisplayEnum.Show Dim y() As Integer = {5, 3, 4, 5, 4, 2} s.X.CopyDataIn(x) s.Y.CopyDataIn(y) \' Add one series s = series.AddNewSeries() s.LineStyle.Color = Color.Navy s.LineStyle.Thickness = 2 s.LineStyle.Pattern = C1.Win.C1Chart.LinePatternEnum.Solid s.SymbolStyle.Color = Color.FromArgb(90, Color.CornflowerBlue) s.SymbolStyle.Shape = C1.Win.C1Chart.SymbolShapeEnum.Dot s.SymbolStyle.Size = 8 s.Label = "Jim Hubbard" s.Display = C1.Win.C1Chart.SeriesDisplayEnum.Show y = New Integer() {3, 5, 3, 4, 3, 4} s.X.CopyDataIn(x) s.Y.CopyDataIn(y) \' Add one series s = series.AddNewSeries() s.LineStyle.Color = Color.Chocolate s.LineStyle.Thickness = 2 s.LineStyle.Pattern = C1.Win.C1Chart.LinePatternEnum.Dot s.SymbolStyle.Color = Color.FromArgb(90, Color.Orange) s.SymbolStyle.Shape = C1.Win.C1Chart.SymbolShapeEnum.Diamond s.SymbolStyle.Size = 8 s.Label = "Larry Richardson" s.Display = C1.Win.C1Chart.SeriesDisplayEnum.Show y = New Integer() {5, 3, 2, 3, 4, 4} s.X.CopyDataIn(x) s.Y.CopyDataIn(y) c1Chart1.SaveImage("1.jpg",System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.JPEG)
-- 作者:wukangppbb -- 发布时间:2022/3/4 15:53:00 -- 改了以后为啥无法允许了呢? 改了以后为啥无法允许了呢? |