
-  Foxtable(狐表)  (http://foxtable.com/bbs/index.asp)
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--  作者:发财
--  发布时间:2015/3/13 11:01:00
--  导入
Dim c As Date = vars("uservdate")
Dim y As Integer = c.year
Dim m As Integer = c.month
Dim d As Integer = c.day
Dim c1 As Date = vars("userddate")
Dim y1 As Integer = c.year
Dim m1 As Integer = c.month
Dim d1 As Integer = c.day
For Each file As String In filesys .GetFiles(ProjectPath & "收购" & y)
    If file.EndsWith(".xls") OrElse file.EndsWith(".xlsx") Then
        Dim Book1 As New XLS.Book(file)
        Dim Sheet1 As XLS.Sheet = Book1.Sheets("收购")
        Dim dr As DataRow = DataTables("收购").AddNew
        Dim t As Integer
        t = 0
        For n As Integer = 5 To 54
            Dim r As Row = Tables("收购").AddNew()
            t = t + 1
            r("行次") = t
            r("年未数") = Sheet1(n,3).Value
            r("日期") = Sheet1(1,0).Value
        DataTables("收购").DeleteFor("[行次] is null")
    End If

--  作者:有点甜
--  发布时间:2015/3/13 11:05:00

Dim flag As Boolean = False
For i As Integer = 5 To 10 Then
    If File.Contains("201501" & Format(i, "00")) Then
        flag = True
        Exit For
    End If
End If

If flag Then

End If

--  作者:发财
--  发布时间:2015/3/13 11:23:00