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-- 作者:yyzlxc -- 发布时间:2015/3/5 20:29:00 -- [求助]分组统计代码出错(已解决) 在原案例的基础上增加一列期初库存统计列,但是不知何故,日期条件的代码加入加入后出错,请各位老师指教,谢谢!! Forms("统计").Open() Dim et As Date = Forms("统计").Controls("ETime1").value Dim st As Date = Forms("统计").Controls("STime1").value Dim str As String = Format(st,"yyyy-MM-dd") & "---" & Format(et,"yyyy-MM-dd") Dim b As New SQLGroupTableBuilder("统计表1","例子") b.Groups.AddDef("产品") b.Totals.AddDef("入库", "入库", str & "_入库") b.Totals.AddDef("出库", "出库", str & "_出库") b.Totals.AddDef("库存", "库存", str & "_截止库存") b.Totals.AddExp("期初库存","入库",""& str &"_期初库存") \'b.filter = "日期 >= \'"& st &"\' And 日期 <= \'"& et &"\'" b.Build Tables("统计表1").Cols("期初库存").Move(1) For Each cp As String In DataTables("例子").GetValues("产品", "产品 not in (\'"& DataTables("统计表1").GetComboListString("产品").Replace("|", "\',\'") & "\')") Dim nr As Row = Tables("统计表1").AddNew nr("产品") = cp Next For Each r As Row In Tables("统计表1").Rows Dim filter = " 日期 <= \'"& et &"\'and 产品 = \'" & r("产品") & "\'" Dim kc As Double = DataTables("例子").Compute("sum(入库)",filter) - DataTables("例子").Compute("sum(出库)",filter) r("库存") = kc r("期初库存") = kc + r("出库") - r("入库") Next MainTable = Tables("统计表1") Tables("统计表1").AutoSizeCols() DataTables("统计表1").Save() [此贴子已经被作者于2015/3/5 20:51:15编辑过]
-- 作者:有点甜 -- 发布时间:2015/3/5 20:32:00 -- Forms("统计").Open() Dim et As Date = Forms("统计").Controls("ETime1").value Dim st As Date = Forms("统计").Controls("STime1").value Dim str As String = Format(st,"yyyy-MM-dd") & "---" & Format(et,"yyyy-MM-dd") Dim b As New SQLGroupTableBuilder("统计表1","例子") b.Groups.AddDef("产品") b.Totals.AddDef("入库", "入库", str & "_入库") b.Totals.AddDef("出库", "出库", str & "_出库") b.Totals.AddDef("库存", "库存", str & "_截止库存") b.Totals.AddExp("期初库存","入库",""& str &"_期初库存") b.filter = "日期 >= #" & st &"# And 日期 <= #"& et &"#" b.Build Tables("统计表1").Cols("期初库存").Move(1) For Each cp As String In DataTables("例子").GetValues("产品", "产品 not in (\'"& DataTables("统计表1").GetComboListString("产品").Replace("|", "\',\'") & "\')") Dim nr As Row = Tables("统计表1").AddNew nr("产品") = cp Next For Each r As Row In Tables("统计表1").Rows Dim filter = " 日期 <= #"& et &"# and 产品 = \'" & r("产品") & "\'" Dim kc As Double = DataTables("例子").Compute("sum(入库)",filter) - DataTables("例子").Compute("sum(出库)",filter) r("库存") = kc r("期初库存") = kc + r("出库") - r("入库") Next MainTable = Tables("统计表1") Tables("统计表1").AutoSizeCols() DataTables("统计表1").Save() |
-- 作者:yyzlxc -- 发布时间:2015/3/5 20:47:00 -- 谢谢甜老师的指教,但是不明白为什么要加“#”号,上面按钮的同样的代码是分号,难道是因为SQLGroupTableBuilder的缘故吗?还请甜老师指教,谢谢!! |
-- 作者:有点甜 -- 发布时间:2015/3/5 20:48:00 -- 日期列的就是要用#号的 |
-- 作者:yyzlxc -- 发布时间:2015/3/5 20:51:00 -- 知道了,谢谢甜老师!! |
-- 作者:狐狸爸爸 -- 发布时间:2015/3/6 8:46:00 -- 也不一定,如果Sql server的数据源话,要单引号:
http://www.foxtable.com/help/topics/2343.htm http://www.foxtable.com/help/topics/2401.htm