-- 作者:floor2
-- 发布时间:2010/4/6 14:53:00
悲惨的答案 分组报表和分栏打印如何衔接 谢谢
Dim doc As New PrintDoc Dim rt As New prt.RenderText Dim ra As New prt.RenderArea ra.Style.Spacing.Bottom =
2 ra.DataBinding.DataSource = BindTables("订单") \'将容器绑定到订单表 ra.DataBinding.Grouping.Expressions.Add("Fields!产品.Value") \'增加两个分组,分别是产品和雇员 ra.DataBinding.Grouping.Expressions.Add("Fields!雇员.Value") \' ra.Style.Spacing.Bottom = 2
\'这一个RenderText无需设置DataBinding,这样每一个分组只打印一次 rt.Text= "产品:[Fields!产品.Value]
rt.Style.FontSize = 14 rt.Style.FontBold = True ra.Children.Add(rt)
\'这一个RenderText需要单独设置DataBinding,这样才会针对每一个数据行打印副本 rt = New prt.RenderText rt.Text = "日期:[Format(Fields!日期.Value,""yyyy-MM-dd"")] 客户:[Fields!客户.Value] 数量:[Fields!数量.Value]"
rt.DataBinding.DataSource = ra.DataBinding.DataSource \'不能漏掉这一行 ra.Children.Add(rt) doc.body.Children.Add(ra) doc.Preview()
Dim doc As New PrintDoc \'定义一个报表 Doc.Columns.Add()
\'增加三栏 Doc.Columns.Add() Doc.Columns.Add() Doc.Columns(0).Spacing = 2
\'栏间距2毫米 Doc.Columns(1).Spacing = 2
\'栏间距2毫米 For i
integer = 1
100 Dim ra As New prt.RenderArea Dim rt As prt.RenderText ra.Width = "Parent.Width"
\'宽度等于分栏宽度 ra.Height =
\'高度24毫米 ra.CanSplitHorz =
\'禁止水平分割 ra.CanSplitVert =
\'禁止垂直分割 ra.Style.Spacing.Bottom
= 2
ra.Style.Borders.All = New prt.Linedef(0.3,
Color.Red) \'设置边框
Doc.Body.ChildRen.Add(ra) \'将容器加入到报表中
rt = New prt.RenderText rt.Text =
"姓名:" rt.X =
2 rt.Y =
ra.Children.Add(rt) \'添加到容器中
rt = New prt.RenderText rt.Text = "黄财德" rt.X = 15 rt.Y = 2 ra.Children.Add(rt)
rt = New prt.RenderText rt.Text = "职务:" rt.X = 2 rt.Y = "Prev.Bottom + 2"
rt = New prt.RenderText rt.Text =
"总经理" rt.X =
15 rt.Y =
rt = New prt.RenderText rt.Text =
"编号:" rt.X =
2 rt.Y =
"Prev.Bottom + 2"
rt = New prt.RenderText rt.Text =
rt.X = 15 rt.Y =
ra.Children.Add(rt) Next Doc.Preview() \'预览报表
Dim doc As New PrintDoc Dim rt As Prt.RenderTable Dim rx As prt.RenderText Dim tbl As Table = Tables("发货清单明细") Dim Rows As List(Of DataRow) Dim Regions As List(Of String()) = tbl.DataTable.GetUniqueValues("","客户","颜色","幅宽") doc.Pagesetting.LandScape = True For Each Region As String() In Regions rx = New prt.RenderText rx.Text = "客户: " & Region(0) & "," & region(1) & "," & region(2) doc.Body.Children.Add(rx) rt = New prt.RenderTable rt.Style.Font = Tables("发货清单明细").Font rt.Style.Font = tbl.Font \'"[品名] = \'" & dr1("品名") & "\'And [规格] = \'" & dr1("规格") & "\'" Rows = tbl.Datatable.Select("[客户] = \'" & Region(0) & "\'and [颜色] = \'" & Region(1) & "\'and [幅宽] = \'" & Region(2) & "\'") For c As integer = 0 To tbl.Cols.Count - 1 rt.Cells(0,c).Text = tbl.Cols(c).Name rt.Cols(c).Width = tbl.Cols(c).PrintWidth For r As integer = 0 To Rows.Count -1 rt.Cells(r + 1, c).Text = rows(r)(tbl.Cols(c).Name) Next Next rt.RowGroups(0,1).Header = prt.TableHeaderEnum.All doc.Body.Children.Add(rt) Next doc.preview()
[此贴子已经被作者于2010-4-6 17:32:05编辑过]
-- 作者:floor2
-- 发布时间:2010/4/6 23:21:00
Dim doc As New PrintDoc Dim rt As Prt.RenderTable Dim rx As prt.RenderText Dim re As prt.RenderText Dim tbl As Table = Tables("订单") Dim Rows As List(Of DataRow) Dim Regions As List(Of String()) = tbl.DataTable.GetUniqueValues("","客户","产品","雇员") doc.Pagesetting.LandScape = True For Each Region As String() In Regions rx = New prt.RenderText rx.Text = "客户: " & Region(0) & "," & region(1) & "," & region(2) rx.Style.FontBold = True rx.Style.Spacing.Bottom = 3 doc.Body.Children.Add(rx)
re = New prt.RenderText re.Text= "合计:[Aggregates!GroupSum.Value]" re.Style.FontBold = True re.Style.Spacing.Bottom = 3 doc.Body.Children.Add(re)
rt = New prt.RenderTable rt.Style.GridLines.All = New prt.Linedef rt.Cols.Count = 10 rt.Style.Font = Tables("订单").Font rt.Style.Font = tbl.Font Rows = tbl.Datatable.Select("[客户] = \'" & Region(0) & "\'and [产品] = \'" & Region(1) & "\'and [雇员] = \'" & Region(2) & "\'") Dim ColNames As String() = New String(){"数量"} For r As integer = 0 To Rows.Count -1 \'开始填入该列内容 select case r case 0 rt.Cells(0, r).Text = Rows(r)(ColNames(0)) case 1 to 9 rt.Cells(0, r).Text = Rows(r)(ColNames(0)) rt.Style.Spacing.All = 1 case 10 to 19 rt.Cells(1, r-10).Text = Rows(r)(ColNames(0)) case 20 to 29 rt.Cells(2, r-20).Text = Rows(r)(ColNames(0)) case 30 to 39 rt.Cells(3, r-30).Text = Rows(r)(ColNames(0)) case 40 to 49 rt.Cells(4, r-40).Text = Rows(r)(ColNames(0)) case 50 to 59 rt.Cells(5, r-50).Text = Rows(r)(ColNames(0)) case 60 to 69 rt.Cells(6, r-60).Text = Rows(r)(ColNames(0)) case 70 to 79 rt.Cells(7, r-70).Text = Rows(r)(ColNames(0)) end select Next rt.RowGroups(0,1).Header = prt.TableHeaderEnum.All doc.Body.Children.Add(rt) Next doc.preview()
Dim doc As New PrintDoc Dim rt As Prt.RenderTable Dim rx As prt.RenderText Dim re As prt.RenderText Dim re1 As prt.RenderText Dim tbl As Table = Tables("发货清单明细") Dim Rows As List(Of DataRow) Dim Regions As List(Of String()) = tbl.DataTable.GetUniqueValues("","颜色","颜色编号","幅宽","克重","单价") \'"卷长","金额") Dim Regi As List(Of String) = tbl.DataTable.GetUniqueValues("","客户") Dim Regio As List(Of String) = tbl.DataTable.GetUniqueValues("","发货日期") doc.Pagesetting.LandScape = True dim sum1 as single=0 dim sum3 as single=0 dim sum2 as single=0 dim count as short=0 re = New prt.RenderText re.Text= "发货结算单" \'re.Style.FontBold = True \'re.Style.Spacing.Bottom = 3 re.Style.FontSize = 16 re.Style.TextAlignHorz = prt.AlignHorzEnum.Center \'水平居中 doc.Body.Children.Add(re) Dim rx1 As New prt.RenderTable rx1.Cells(0,0).Text = "客户:" & regi(0) rx1.Cells(0,1).Text = "发货日期:" & regio(0).SubString(0,9) rx1.Cells(0,2).Text = "货单号: ." rx1.Cols(0).Style.TextAlignHorz = prt.AlignHorzEnum.Left rx1.Cols(1).Style.TextAlignHorz = prt.AlignHorzEnum.Center rx1.Cols(1).Style.TextAlignHorz = prt.AlignHorzEnum.right rx1.Style.Borders.Bottom = New prt.LineDef (0.3, color.gray)\'设置底边框 rx1.CellStyle.Spacing.Bottom = 0.5 \'底端内容缩进0.5毫米 \'rx1.Style.FontSize = 8 \'字体大小为8磅 rx1.Style.Spacing.top = 2 \'Doc.PageHeader = rx1 doc.Body.Children.Add(rx1) \'dim f As integer=0 Dim rf As new Prt.RenderTable rf.Style.TextAlignHorz = prt.AlignHorzEnum.center
rf.Cols(0).Width = 8 rf.Cols(1).Width = 32 rf.Cols(2).Width = 30 rf.Cols(3).Width = 14 rf.Cols(4).Width = 20 rf.Cols(5).Width = 14 rf.Cols(6).Width = 20 rf.Cols(7).Width = 14 rf.width="auto" rf.cells(0,0).text="编号" rf.cells(0,1).text="颜色编号" rf.cells(0,2).text="规格" rf.cells(0,3).text="件数" rf.cells(0,4).text="重量" rf.cells(0,5).text="单价" rf.cells(0,6).text="金额" rf.cells(0,7).text="备注" doc.Body.Children.Add(rf) dim f As integer=0 For Each Region As String() In Regions dim sum as single=0 \'dim f As integer=0 rt = New prt.RenderTable \'rt.Style.GridLines.All = New prt.Linedef(0.1, color.gray) \'rt.Cols.Count = 15 \'rt.style.WordWrap=true \'rt.Style.TextAlignHorz = prt.AlignHorzEnum.Center Rows = tbl.Datatable.Select("[颜色] = \'" & Region(0) & "\'and [颜色编号] = \'" & Region(1) & "\'and [幅宽] = \'" & Region(2) & "\'and [克重] = \'" & region(3) & "\'and [单价] = \'" & region(4) & "\'") Dim ColNames As String() = New String(){"重量"} For r As integer = 0 To Rows.Count -1 \'开始填入该列内容 count=0 select case r case 0 rt.Cells(0, r).Text = Rows(r)(ColNames(0)) sum=sum+Rows(r)(ColNames(0)) count=1 case 1 to 14 rt.Cells(0, r).Text = Rows(r)(ColNames(0)) sum=sum+Rows(r)(ColNames(0)) case 15 to 29 rt.Cells(1, r-15).Text = Rows(r)(ColNames(0)) sum=sum+Rows(r)(ColNames(0)) count=count+1 case 30 to 44 rt.Cells(2, r-30).Text = Rows(r)(ColNames(0)) sum=sum+Rows(r)(ColNames(0)) count=count+1 case 45 to 59 rt.Cells(3, r-45).Text = Rows(r)(ColNames(0)) sum=sum+Rows(r)(ColNames(0)) count=count+1 case 60 to 74 rt.Cells(4, r-60).Text = Rows(r)(ColNames(0)) sum=sum+Rows(r)(ColNames(0)) count=count+1 case 75 to 89 rt.Cells(5, r-75).Text = Rows(r)(ColNames(0)) sum=sum+Rows(r)(ColNames(0)) count=count+1 end select \'rt.Cells(0,10).SpanRows = count next sum=sum*0.976 rf = New prt.RenderTable rf.Style.TextAlignHorz = prt.AlignHorzEnum.center rf.Style.GridLines.All = New prt.Linedef(0.1, color.gray) \'rf.height=8 rf.cols(0).style.fontsize = 12 \'设置行高 rf.Cols(0).Width = 8 rf.Cols(1).Width = 32 rf.Cols(2).Width = 30 rf.Cols(3).Width = 14 rf.Cols(4).Width = 20 rf.Cols(5).Width = 14 rf.Cols(6).Width = 20 rf.Cols(7).Width = 14 rf.width="auto" rf.cells(f+1,1).text=region(0) & "," & region(1) rf.cells(f+1,2).text=region(2) & "*" & region(3) & "g*2222m" rf.cells(f+1,3).text=rows.count & "件" rf.cells(f+1,4).text=math.round(sum,2) & "kg" rf.cells(f+1,5).text=region(4) rf.cells(f+1,6).text=Tables("发货清单明细").DataTable.Compute("Sum(金额)","[颜色] = \'" & Region(0) & "\'and [颜色编号] = \'" & Region(1) & "\'and [幅宽] = \'" & Region(2) & "\'and [克重] = \'" & region(3) & "\'and [单价] = \'" & region(4) & "\'") rf.cells(f+1,0).text=f+1 f=f+1 doc.Body.Children.Add(rf)
\' rt.RowGroups(0,1).Header = prt.TableHeaderEnum.All \'doc.Body.Children.Add(rt) \'next sum1=sum1+sum sum2=sum2+Rows.Count sum3=sum3+Tables("发货清单明细").DataTable.Compute("Sum(金额)","[颜色] = \'" & Region(0) & "\'and [颜色编号] = \'" & Region(1) & "\'and [幅宽] = \'" & Region(2) & "\'and [克重] = \'" & region(3) & "\'")
next re1 = New prt.RenderText re1.Text= "总重量:" & sum1 & "公斤 总件数" & sum2 & "件" re1.Style.Spacing.top = 5 re1.Style.FontSize = 12 doc.Body.Children.Add(re1) rx = New prt.RenderText rx.Text = "金额: " & sum3 \'Tables("发货清单明细").DataTable.Compute("Sum(金额)","[颜色] = \'" & Region(0) & "\'and [颜色编号] = \'" & Region(1) & "\'and [幅宽] = \'" & Region(2) & "\'and [克重] = \'" & region(3) & "\'") \'Region(0) & "," & region(1) & "," & region(2) & "," & region(3) & " 重量:" & sum & " 件数" & Rows.Count rx.Style.FontBold = True rx.Style.Spacing.top = 3 doc.Body.Children.Add(rx) doc.PageSetting.Width = 175 \'纸张宽度为100毫米 doc.PageSetting.Height = 255 \'纸张高度为120毫米 Doc.PageSetting.LeftMargin = 10 \'设置左边距 Doc.PageSetting.RightMargin = 10 \'设置右边距 Doc.PageSetting.TopMargin = 20 \'设置上边距 Doc.PageSetting.BottomMargin = 20 \'设置下边距 doc.preview()
[此贴子已经被作者于2010-4-8 0:10:36编辑过]