以文本方式查看主题 - Foxtable(狐表) (http://foxtable.com/bbs/index.asp) -- 专家坐堂 (http://foxtable.com/bbs/list.asp?boardid=2) ---- [求助]怪事,发布后运行正常,一切换到远程数据库,就出错啦 (http://foxtable.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=55299) |
-- 作者:ywlin521 -- 发布时间:2014/8/14 9:08:00 -- [求助]怪事,发布后运行正常,一切换到远程数据库,就出错啦 怪事,发布后运行正常,一切换到远程数据库,就提示 .NET Framework 版本:2.0.50727.4984 Foxtable 版本:2014.8.13.1 错误所在事件:窗口,片区欠费窗口,Button1,Click 详细错误信息: 未将对象引用设置到对象的实例。 是什么原因? 同样的类似问题,之前也有出现过,没有管他,也就没有解决,现在又出现了,困惑中??? [此贴子已经被作者于2014-8-14 9:09:20编辑过]
-- 作者:Bin -- 发布时间:2014/8/14 9:09:00 -- 错误所在事件:窗口,片区欠费窗口,Button1,Click 代码发出来看看
-- 作者:ywlin521 -- 发布时间:2014/8/14 9:11:00 -- Functions.Execute("DataOperationYN",False,False,False) Functions.Execute("LoadProgressInfo") For Each fm As WinForm.Form In Forms If fm.Name <> "片区欠费窗口" Then fm.Close() Next Tables("片区欠费窗口_Table1").StopRedraw() Tables("片区欠费窗口_Table2").StopRedraw() \'\'\'\'\'\' Dim ye As String = Nothing If e.Form.Controls("rb-1").Checked Then ye = " and [余额] < 0 " ElseIf e.Form.Controls("rb1").Checked ye = " and [余额] > 0 " ElseIf e.Form.Controls("rb0").Checked ye = " and [余额] = 0 " Else ye = "" End If Dim s3 As String = Nothing Dim NdDr As DataRow = Nothing Dim fName As String = Nothing For Each nd As WinForm.TreeNode In e.Form.Controls("TreeView1").AllNodes If nd.Checked Then fName = nd.FullName fName = fName.Replace("\\",".") NdDr = DataTables("dwZzjg").Find("级码 = \'" & fName & "\'" ) s3 &= "\'" & NdDr("_Identify") & "\'," \'s3 &= "\'" & nd.DataRow("_Identify") & "\'," End If Next If s3 Is Nothing Then MessageBox.Show("请选择校区","提示",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Information ) Tables("片区欠费窗口_Table1").ResumeRedraw() Tables("片区欠费窗口_Table2").ResumeRedraw() Return Else s3 = s3.TrimEnd(",") End If Functions.Execute("LoadDatatableFalse","tbStudy","[学习校区Identify] in (" & s3 & ") " ) Dim dt As DataTable = DataTables("tbStudy") Dim xhs As List(of String) = dt.GetValues("学号") If xhs.Count = 0 Then MessageBox.Show("人数为0","提示",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Information ) Tables("片区欠费窗口_Table1").ResumeRedraw() Tables("片区欠费窗口_Table2").ResumeRedraw() Return End If Dim jb As New SQLJoinTableBuilder("校区片区欠费统计表","tbStudy") jb.ConnectionName = connName jb.AddTable("tbStudy","学号","tbStudentInfo","学号") jb.AddCols("{tbStudentInfo}.学号","{tbStudentInfo}.姓名","拼音","性别","学校","届次","{tbStudentInfo}.班级","第一联系","第二联系","第三联系","期次") Dim sfilter As String = Nothing For Each s As String In xhs sfilter &= "\'" & s & "\'," Next sfilter = sfilter.TrimEnd(",") jb.Filter = "[学习校区Identify] in (" & s3 & ") " & " And {tbStudentInfo}.学号 In (" & sfilter & ")" jb.Distinct = True \'jb.Build() \'With Tables("校区片区欠费统计表") With Tables("片区欠费窗口_Table1") .DataSource = jb.BuildDataSource \'.StopRedraw() If .Cols.Contains("所报课程") = False Then .DataTable.DataCols.Add("所报课程",Gettype(String),500) If .Cols.Contains("应交学费") = False Then .DataTable.DataCols.Add("应交学费",Gettype(Double)) If .Cols.Contains("实交学费") = False Then .DataTable.DataCols.Add("实交学费",Gettype(Double)) If .Cols.Contains("折扣金额") = False Then .DataTable.DataCols.Add("折扣金额",Gettype(Double)) If .Cols.Contains("优惠金额") = False Then .DataTable.DataCols.Add("优惠金额",Gettype(Double)) If .Cols.Contains("欠费金额") = False Then .DataTable.DataCols.Add("欠费金额",Gettype(Double)) If .Rows.Count > 0 Then Dim drs As List(of DataRow) = Nothing Dim s As String = Nothing Dim qcs As List(of String) = Nothing For Each r As Row In .Rows drs = dt.Select("学号 = \'" & r("学号") & "\' and 期次 = \'" & r("期次") & "\' And 状态 in (\'正常\',\'试听\') " & ye) s = Nothing For Each dr As DataRow In drs s &= dr("课程") & "," Next s = s.TrimEnd(",") r("所报课程") = s r("应交学费") = dt.Compute("sum(应交学费)","学号 = \'" & r("学号") & "\' and 期次 = \'" & r("期次") & "\' And 状态 in (\'正常\',\'试听\') " & ye) r("实交学费") = dt.Compute("sum(实交学费)","学号 = \'" & r("学号") & "\' and 期次 = \'" & r("期次") & "\' And 状态 in (\'正常\',\'试听\') " & ye) r("折扣金额") = dt.Compute("sum(折扣金额)","学号 = \'" & r("学号") & "\' and 期次 = \'" & r("期次") & "\' And 状态 in (\'正常\',\'试听\') " & ye) r("优惠金额") = dt.Compute("sum(优惠金额)","学号 = \'" & r("学号") & "\' and 期次 = \'" & r("期次") & "\' And 状态 in (\'正常\',\'试听\') " & ye) r("欠费金额") = dt.Compute("sum(余额)","学号 = \'" & r("学号") & "\' and 期次 = \'" & r("期次") & "\' And 状态 in (\'正常\',\'试听\') " & ye) Next End If .AutoSizeCols() .Sort = "届次,学校,班级" .Cols("拼音").Visible = False .AllowEdit = False \'.ResumeRedraw() .Grid.AllowFiltering = True .Grid.AllowFreezing = True End With \'\'\'\'\'\' \'StatusBar.Message1 = "共有【" & Tables("校区片区欠费统计表").Rows.Count & "】条学生缴费信息" StatusBar.Message1 = "共有【" & Tables("片区欠费窗口_Table1").Rows.Count & "】条学生缴费信息" With Tables("片区欠费窗口_Table1") \'.DataSource = DataTables("校区片区欠费统计表") \'Tables("片区欠费窗口_Table1").ResumeRedraw() .ResumeRedraw .Grid.AllowFiltering = True .AllowEdit = False .Cols("应交学费").GrandTotal = True .Cols("实交学费").GrandTotal = True .Cols("折扣金额").GrandTotal = True .Cols("优惠金额").GrandTotal = True .Cols("欠费金额").GrandTotal = True .GrandTotal = True .AutoSizeCols() End With With Tables("片区欠费窗口_Table2") .ResumeRedraw() End With Functions.Execute("TableStyle","片区欠费窗口_Table1") Functions.Execute("TableStyle","片区欠费窗口_Table2")
-- 作者:Bin -- 发布时间:2014/8/14 9:15:00 -- 建议您用这个方法: http://www.foxtable.com/help/topics/1485.htm 先找出是哪一行出错,然后分析原因,搞不定,贴出代码,并告诉我们运行到哪一行出错。