以文本方式查看主题 - Foxtable(狐表) (http://foxtable.com/bbs/index.asp) -- 专家坐堂 (http://foxtable.com/bbs/list.asp?boardid=2) ---- 求助,手机端的动态列表问题 (http://foxtable.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=193106) |
-- 作者:873773115 -- 发布时间:2024/8/17 16:37:00 -- 求助,手机端的动态列表问题 Dim wb As New weui Dim da As DataTable = DataTables("过磅明细表") Dim db As DataTable = DataTables("原材料字典") Dim dc As DataTable = DataTables("原料采购计划表") Select Case e.Path Case "up.htm" wb.title = "椰丝质量检测" wb.AddForm("", "form1", "receive.htm") wb.AddToast("", "t1", "正在上传", 1) \'定义提示 wb.AddTopTips("", "toptip1", "信息未完整录入,不可提交!") \'\'\' wb.AddForm("", "form1", "upload.htm").Attribute = "" With wb.AddInputGroup("form1", "ipg1", "原料信息") With .AddInput("rq", "日期", "date") .Attribute = """ End With With .AddSelect("bdh", "磅单号", "") .Attribute = "" \'调用js函数 End With With .AddInput("rcsj", "进场时间", "text") .Readonly = True End With With .AddInput("ccsj", "出场时间", "text") .Readonly = True End With With .AddInput("pm", "品名", "text") .Readonly = True End With With .AddInput("gys", "供应商名称", "text") .Readonly = True .Attribute = """ End With End With With wb.AddInputGroup("form1", "ipg2", "椰丝情况") .AddSelect("htbh", "合同编号", "") With .AddInput("sf1", "前段水份", "number") .Max = 100 .Min = 1 .Placeholder = "水份范围为1到100" End With With .AddInput("sf2", "后段水份", "number") .Max = 100 .Min = 1 .Placeholder = "水份范围为1到100" End With .AddSelect("zzqk", "杂质情况", "|" & db.GetComboListString("名称", "类别 = \'杂质情况\'")) .AddSelect("ysqk", "椰丝颜色", "|" & db.GetComboListString("名称", "类别 = \'颜色情况\'")) .AddSelect("xwcd", "纤维长度", "|" & db.GetComboListString("名称", "类别 = \'纤维长度\'")) With .AddInput("cbpd", "初步判断", "text") .Value = "合格" End With With .AddUploader("up1", "照片", True) .AllowDelete = True \'允许删除 .Accept = "image/*" \'允许使用相册和相机 .Incremental = True \'允许重复选择文件或连续拍照 .ScaleWidth = 2000 \'自动压缩图片宽度为400个像素,高度等比例压缩 End With End With With wb.AddInputGroup("form1", "ipg3", "备注") .AddTextArea("bz", 3).Placeholder = "请输入50字以内的备注" End With With wb.AddButtonGroup("form1", "btg1", True) With .Add("btn1", "确定", "button") .Attribute = "" \'\'\' .Attribute = "" \'调用js函数上传 End With End With With wb.AddDialog("", "dlg1", "提示", "已成功上传!") \'增加订单成功提示框 .AddButton("btnYes", "确定").Attribute = "" End With With wb.AddDialog("", "dlg2", "提示", "上传失败!") \'增加订单成功提示框 .AddButton("btnYes", "确定") End With wb.InsertHTML("<h3 align=\'center\' style=\'color:Silver;font-size:14px;margin-bottom:5px;\'>Copyright © 2018-2024 YxCq System</h3>") wb.AppendHTML("<script src=\'./lib/ajaxform.js\'></script>") \'引入脚本文件 e.WriteString(wb.Build) \'生成网页 Case "getCounties.htm" \'根据输入的省,获取县市列表 Dim pps As String = da.sqlGetComboListString("单号", "日期 =\'" & e.Values("rq") & "\' and 单号 is not null") e.WriteString("|" & pps) Case "getCounties1.htm" \'根据输入的省,获取县市列表 Dim pps1 As String = dc.sqlGetComboListString("合同编号", "供应商名称 =\'" & e.Values("gys") & "\' and 合同状态 = \'完成交货\'") MessageBox.Show(e.Values("gys")) e.WriteString("|" & pps1) Case "getCodes.htm" \'根据输入的省和县,获取区号有邮编 If e.Values("bdh") > "" AndAlso e.Values("rq") > "" Then Dim dr As DataRow = da.sqlFind("日期=\'" & e.Values("rq") & "\' and 单号 =\'" & e.values("bdh") & "\'") If dr IsNot Nothing Then e.WriteString(dr("入厂时间") & "|" & dr("出厂时间") & "|" & dr("品名") & "|" & dr("供应商名称") & "|" & dr("前段水份") & "|" & dr("后段水份") & "|" & dr("杂质情况") & "|" & dr("颜色情况") & "|" & dr("纤维长度") & "|" & dr("初步判断")) End If Else e.WriteString("|||") End If Case "receive.htm" If e.PostValues("rq") > "" AndAlso e.PostValues("bdh") > "" Then Dim rq1 As Date = CDate(e.PostValues("rq")) Dim bdh As String = CStr(e.PostValues("bdh")) Dim rqbh As String = rq1.Year & Format(rq1.Month, "00") & format(rq1.Day, "00") Dim wa As DataRow = da.sqlFind("日期 = \'" & rq1 & "\'and 单号 = \'" & bdh & "\'") If wa IsNot Nothing Then wa("前段水份") = e.PostValues("sf1") wa("后段水份") = e.PostValues("sf2") wa("杂质情况") = e.PostValues("zzqk") wa("颜色情况") = e.PostValues("ysqk") wa("纤维长度") = e.PostValues("xwcd") wa("初步判断") = e.PostValues("cbpd") wa("备注1") = e.PostValues("bz") End If Dim ftp1 As New FtpClient ftp1.Host = "" ftp1.Account = "" ftp1.Password = "" ftp1.ChangeDir("\\原料\\问题图片") Dim zp As String Dim s As Integer = 1 Dim s1 As Integer For Each key As String In e.Files.Keys If key = "up1" Then For Each fln As String In e.Files(key) Dim hz As String = fln.Substring(fln.IndexOf(".")) Dim rqbh1 As String = rqbh & s & "@" & bdh & hz e.SaveFile(key, fln, ProjectPath & "images\\" & rqbh1) \'保存接收到的文件 If ftp1.Upload(ProjectPath & "images\\" & rqbh1, rqbh1) = True Then FileSys.DeleteFile(ProjectPath & "images\\" & rqbh1) End If If zp = "" Then zp = rqbh1 Else zp = zp & "|" & rqbh1 End If s = s + 1 Next End If Next wa("照片") = zp wa.Save() e.WriteString("OK") \'返回增加成功消息 End If End Select |
-- 作者:873773115 -- 发布时间:2024/8/17 16:38:00 --
-- 作者:873773115 -- 发布时间:2024/8/17 16:40:00 -- 老师,现在是根据输入日期和磅单号,可自动带出供应商名称和规格等信息 然后现在想根据供应商名称,再带出 合同编号的动态列表,然后发现供应商名称的 onchange事件不触发,好像必须手动修改才触发,请教怎么实现? |
-- 作者:有点蓝 -- 发布时间:2024/8/17 17:11:00 -- 代码不完整,把1楼完整代码重新放到记事本发上来 |
-- 作者:873773115 -- 发布时间:2024/8/17 17:12:00 -- 完整代码已上传 |
-- 作者:873773115 -- 发布时间:2024/8/17 17:13:00 -- 完整代码
-- 作者:有点蓝 -- 发布时间:2024/8/17 17:25:00 -- …… document.getElementById("zzqk").value=vals[6]; document.getElementById("ysqk").value=vals[7]; document.getElementById("xwcd").value=vals[8]; document.getElementById("cbpd").value=vals[9]; setAjaxOptions(\'htbh\',\'getCounties1.htm\',\'gys\',false); } } } |
-- 作者:873773115 -- 发布时间:2024/8/17 18:09:00 -- 谢谢老师! ![]() |