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-- 作者:moseser -- 发布时间:2023/6/20 16:52:00 -- [讨论]如何用运算符 not in Dim r As Row = Tables("月度报量").Current Dim com_no As String = r("合同编号") Dim drs As List(Of DataRow) = r.DataRow.GetChildRows("报量明细") Dim lrs As New List(Of String) For Each dr As DataRow In drs lrs.Add(dr("价格编号")) Next Tables("增加报量明细_Table1").Filter = "[合同编号] = \'" & com_no & "\' and [编号] not in \'" & lrs & "\' " 好像最后编写的有问题
-- 作者:有点蓝 -- 发布时间:2023/6/20 16:55:00 -- Tables("增加报量明细_Table1").Filter = "[合同编号] = \'" & com_no & "\' and [编号] not in (\'" & string.join("\',\'",lrs.toarray) & "\') " |