以文本方式查看主题 - Foxtable(狐表) (http://foxtable.com/bbs/index.asp) -- 专家坐堂 (http://foxtable.com/bbs/list.asp?boardid=2) ---- [求助]按钮代码执行完成,窗口按钮变灰 (http://foxtable.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=179734) |
-- 作者:zyqzyy -- 发布时间:2022/9/6 14:14:00 -- [求助]按钮代码执行完成,窗口按钮变灰 按钮代码执行完成,窗口按钮变灰,必须重启,这是什么情况? |
-- 作者:有点蓝 -- 发布时间:2022/9/6 14:41:00 -- 执行了什么代码 |
-- 作者:zyqzyy -- 发布时间:2022/9/7 8:48:00 -- Dim jl As WinForm.TextBox = e.Form.Controls("TextBoxJL") Dim path As String = ProjectPath & "data\\检验检查人次数统计.txt" Dim ss As String ss = FileSys.ReadAllText(path) Dim Proc As New Process \'定义一个新的Process If ss.Length > 0 If MessageBox.Show("2022年5-7月已经有查询数据,是否重新查询?大约需要50分钟,耐心等候......","提示",MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,MessageBoxIcon.Information) = DialogResult.No jl.Text = ss Return End If End If \' Dim jyrc As Double Dim jcrc As Double Dim i1 As Integer Dim i2 As Integer Dim i3 As Integer Dim ii As Integer Dim jctj As Integer \'检查项目人次 Dim jytj As Integer \'检验项目人次 Dim txtj As Integer \'有图像结果的检查项目人次 Dim dr As DataRow Dim d1 As Date Dim d2 As Date d1 = Date.Now() Dim kssj As WinForm.DateTimePicker = e.Form.Controls("DateTimePickerS") Dim jssj As WinForm.DateTimePicker = e.Form.Controls("DateTimePickerE") Dim djs As Date = jssj.Value djs = djs.AddDays(1) Dim Products As List(Of String) Products = DataTables("Zymx2").SQLGetValues("住院号码","结算日期 >= \'" & kssj.Value & "\' And 结算日期 < \'" & djs & "\'") Dim pg As WinForm.ProgressBar = e.Form.Controls("ProgressBar1") pg.Minimum = 0 pg.Maximum = Products.Count For Each s As String In Products ii += 1 \'Output.Show(ii) \'Tables("Zymx2").Filter = "住院号码 = \'" & s & "\' and (费用归并 = \'检查类放射费\' or 费用归并 = \'放射费\' or 费用归并 = \'检查费\' or 费用归并 = \'CT费\' or 费用归并 = \'彩超费\' or 费用归并 = \'心电图费\')" \'i = Tables("Zymx2").Rows.Count \'\'=== i1 = DataTables("Zymx2").SQLCompute("Count([住院号码])", "住院号码 = \'" & s & "\' and (费用归并 = \'检查类放射费\' or 费用归并 = \'放射费\' or 费用归并 = \'检查费\' or 费用归并 = \'CT费\' or 费用归并 = \'彩超费\' or 费用归并 = \'心电图费\')") i2 = DataTables("Zymx2").SQLCompute("Count([住院号码])", "住院号码 = \'" & s & "\' and 费用归并 = \'化验费\'" ) i3 = DataTables("Zymx2").SQLCompute("Count([住院号码])", "住院号码 = \'" & s & "\' and (费用归并 = \'放射费\' or 费用归并 = \'CT费\')") \'\'\'=== If i1 > 0 jctj += 1 End If If i2 > 0 jytj += 1 End If If i3 > 0 txtj += 1 End If pg.Value = ii Next d2 = Date.Now() Dim t As TimeSpan = d2 - d1 Dim st As String st = "耗时:" & Format(t.TotalMinutes,"0.00") & "分钟, " & "出院病人数:" & Products.Count & ", 住院检查项目人次数:" & jctj & ", 住院检验项目人次数:" & jytj & " ,有图像结果的检查项目人次:" & txtj jl.Text = jl.Text & vbcrlf & kssj.Value & " 至 " & djs & vbcrlf & st FileSys.WriteAllText (path,vbcrlf & kssj.Value & " 至 " & jssj.Value & vbcrlf & st,True) Proc.File = path \'指定要打开的文件 Proc.Start()
-- 作者:zyqzyy -- 发布时间:2022/9/7 8:51:00 -- 这个查询时间较长,大约需要30分钟, 其他查询时间短的代码也会出现这种情况,并且窗口控件的代码都要重启Foxtable才会生效。 |
-- 作者:zyqzyy -- 发布时间:2022/9/7 8:52:00 -- |
-- 作者:有点蓝 -- 发布时间:2022/9/7 9:07:00 -- 1、联系客服核对一下激活码 2、检查有没有其它代码设置了控件为不可用 还是不行把项目发给客服测试一下