以文本方式查看主题 - Foxtable(狐表) (http://foxtable.com/bbs/index.asp) -- 专家坐堂 (http://foxtable.com/bbs/list.asp?boardid=2) ---- 移动开发时 上传了excel文件 怎么写代码后台自动将excel文件的数据导入到对应的表中呢? (http://foxtable.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=160901) |
-- 作者:cnsjroom -- 发布时间:2021/2/25 16:12:00 -- 移动开发时 上传了excel文件 怎么写代码后台自动将excel文件的数据导入到对应的表中呢? Select Case e.Path Case "upload.htm" Dim sb As New StringBuilder sb.appendLine("<form enctype=\'multipart/form-data\' action=\'accept.htm\' method=\'post\' id=\'form1\' name=\'form1\'>") sb.appendLine("单文件上传: <input type=\'file\' name=\'up1\' id=\'up1\'><br/><br/>") sb.appendLine("多文件上传: <input type=\'file\' name=\'up2\' id=\'up2\' multiple><br/><br/>") sb.appendLine("<input Type=\'submit\' name=\'Sumbit\' id=\'Sumbit\' value=\'确定\'>") sb.appendLine("</form>") e.WriteString(sb.ToString) Case "accept.htm" Dim sb As New StringBuilder For Each key As String In e.Files.Keys sb.AppendLine(key & " 上传" & e.Files(key).Count & "个文件,分别是:</br>") For Each fl As String In e.Files(key) sb.AppendLine(fl & "<br>") e.SaveFile(key,fl,"d:\\web\\uploadfiles\\" & fl) \'保存接收到的文件 Next sb.AppendLine("</br>") Next sb.AppendLine("以上文件服务器已正确接收并保存!") e.WriteString(sb.ToString) End Select 移动开发时 上传了excel文件 怎么写代码后台自动将excel文件的数据导入到对应的表中呢? 参照帮助中的列子 采用上面的代码实现了上传excel等文件 现在假定选择了两个文件 一个是a名单。xls 一个是b名单。xls 怎么写代码在后台自动将这两个表(直接判断名字中有名单两个字,就自动实现多个文件表一起导入)的数据合并到数据库中的 名单 表里面呢? 下面的代码怎么变通呢?如果直接使用,在页面端无法出现选择,在服务端可以弹出对话框进行操作 示例八 下面是一个批量合并的例子,假定目录c:\\data下有多个Excel文件,这些文件都有一个名为订单的表,需要将这些表中的数据批量并到Foxtable的订单表中: For
Each fl As
In FileSys.GetFiles("c:\\Data") 示例九 也可以利用打开文件对话框一次选择多个文件来批量合并,例如: Dim dlg As New
OpenFileDialog [此贴子已经被作者于2021/2/25 16:14:38编辑过]
-- 作者:有点蓝 -- 发布时间:2021/2/25 16:25:00 -- For Each fl As String In e.Files(key) sb.AppendLine(fl & "<br>") e.SaveFile(key,fl,"d:\\web\\uploadfiles\\" & fl) \'保存接收到的文件 Dim mg As New Merger
mg.SourcePath = "d:\\web\\uploadfiles\\" & fl mg.Format = "excel" \'指定格式 mg.SourceTableName = "订单" \'指定要合并的表 mg.DataTableName = "订单" \'指定接收数据的表 mg.Merge() \'开始合并 Next |
-- 作者:cnsjroom -- 发布时间:2021/2/25 16:48:00 -- 回复:(有点蓝) For ... 有点蓝老师,参照更新后无法进行提交上传, function afterSubmit(result){ hide("tst1"); if (result==\'OK\') { show("tst2"); location="upload.htm"; } else{ show("tst3",2000); } } function submitForm(){ show("tst1",2000); if (document.getElementById("dw").value && document.getElementById("bj").value ){ ‘红色部分代码怎么修正呢?’ submitAjaxForm(\'form1\',\'afterSubmit\'); } else{ show("toptip1",2000); } } upload页面代码如下: Dim e As RequestEventArgs = args(0) Dim wb As New weui Dim vals As String wb.AppendHTML("<script>" & vars("upload") & "</script>") If e.PostValues.Count = 0 Then wb.AddPageTitle("","ph1","数据文件上传","数据上传后,后台自动导入数据库!") wb.AddForm("","form1","upload.htm") Dim sb As New StringBuilder sb.appendLine("<div>") sb.appendLine("单文件上传: <input type=\'file\' name=\'up1\' id=\'up1\'><br/>") sb.appendLine("多文件上传: <input type=\'file\' name=\'up2\' id=\'up2\' multiple>") sb.appendLine("</div>") wb.InsertHTML("form1",sb.ToString) With wb.AddButtonGroup("form1","btg1",False) .Add("btn1", "确定上传", "button").Attribute= "" \'调用js函数上传 .Add("btn2", "取消上传", "submit").FormAction = "default.htm" End With With wb.AddDialog("","dlg1", "增加成功","好好学习,天天向上!") .AddButton("btnOK","继续增加","default.htm") End With wb.AddToast("","tst1", "正在上传",1) wb.AddToast("","tst2", "上传成功",0) wb.AddToast("","tst3", "上传失败",0).Icon= "warn" e.WriteString(wb.Build) Else Dim sb As New StringBuilder For Each key As String In e.Files.Keys If key = "up1" Then For Each fl As String In e.Files(key) sb.AppendLine(fl & "<br>") e.SaveFile(key,fl,"d:\\web\\uploadfiles\\" & fl) \'保存接收到的文件 Dim mg As New Merger mg.SourcePath = "d:\\web\\uploadfiles\\" & fl mg.Format = "excel" \'指定格式 mg.SourceTableName = "表彰" \'指定要合并的表 mg.DataTableName = "表彰" \'指定接收数据的表 mg.Merge() \'开始合并 Next End If If key = "up2" Then For Each fl As String In e.Files(key) sb.AppendLine(fl & "<br>") e.SaveFile(key,fl,"d:\\web\\uploadfiles\\" & fl) \'保存接收到的文件 Dim mg As New Merger mg.SourcePath = "d:\\web\\uploadfiles\\" & fl mg.Format = "excel" \'指定格式 mg.SourceTableName = "表彰" \'指定要合并的表 mg.DataTableName = "表彰" \'指定接收数据的表 mg.Merge() \'开始合并 Next End If Next e.WriteString("OK") End If |
-- 作者:有点蓝 -- 发布时间:2021/2/25 17:23:00 -- 如果使用html自带的文件功能就麻烦了,要自己使用ajax上传:https://www.baidu.com/s?wd=js%20%E4%B8%8A%E4%BC%A0%E8%A1%A8%E5%8D%95%E5%92%8C%E6%96%87%E4%BB%B6 |
-- 作者:cnsjroom -- 发布时间:2021/2/26 0:35:00 -- 回复:(有点蓝)如果使用html自带的文件功能就麻烦了... 写成这样也没有实现上传后自动合并数据 麻烦老师帮忙看看 Dim e As RequestEventArgs = args(0) Dim wb As New weui If e.PostValues.Count = 0 Then wb.AddForm("","form1","upload.htm") With wb.AddInputGroup("form1","ipg1","选择文件上传后台自动导入数据") .AddUploader("up1","文件",True) \'True表示允许上传多个文件 End With With wb.AddButtonGroup("form1","btg1",True) .Add("btn1", "确定", "submit") End With e.WriteString(wb.Build) Else For Each key As String In e.Files.Keys If key = "up1" Then For Each fl As String In e.Files(key) e.SaveFile(key,fl,"d:\\web\\uploadfiles\\" & fl) \'保存接收到的文件 Dim mg As New Merger mg.SourcePath = "d:\\web\\uploadfiles\\" & fl mg.Format = "excel" \'指定格式 mg.SourceTableName = "表彰" \'指定要合并的表 mg.DataTableName = "表彰" \'指定接收数据的表 mg.Merge() \'开始合并 Next End If next With wb.AddMsgPage("","msgpage","增加成功", "好好学习,天天向上") \'生成成功提示页 .AddButton("btn1","继续增加","upload.htm") End With e.WriteString(wb.Build) End If
-- 作者:有点蓝 -- 发布时间:2021/2/26 8:49:00 -- 调试看看 For Each key As String In e.Files.Keys If key = "up1" Then For Each fl As String In e.Files(key) msgbox(fl) e.SaveFile(key,fl,"d:\\web\\uploadfiles\\" & fl) \'保存接收到的文件 msgbox(FileSys.FileExists("d:\\web\\uploadfiles\\" & fl)) Dim mg As New Merger mg.SourcePath = "d:\\web\\uploadfiles\\" & fl mg.Format = "excel" \'指定格式 mg.SourceTableName = "表彰$" \'指定要合并的表 mg.DataTableName = "表彰" \'指定接收数据的表 mg.Merge() \'开始合并 datatables("表彰").save Next End If next 另外看看execl有没有符合格式:http://www.foxtable.com/webhelp/topics/2280.htm 有没有和表彰表有相同的列名 |
-- 作者:cnsjroom -- 发布时间:2021/2/26 9:07:00 -- 回复:(有点蓝)调试看看 For Each key... Dim wb As New weui If e.PostValues.Count = 0 Then wb.AddForm("","form1","upload.htm") With wb.AddInputGroup("form1","ipg1","选择文件上传后台自动导入数据") .AddUploader("up1","文件",True) \'True表示允许上传多个文件 End With With wb.AddButtonGroup("form1","btg1",True) .Add("btn1", "确定", "submit") End With e.WriteString(wb.Build) Else msgbox("1") For Each key As String In e.Files.Keys If key = "up1" Then For Each fl As String In e.Files(key) msgbox(fl) e.SaveFile(key,fl,"d:\\web\\uploadfiles\\" & fl) \'保存接收到的文件 msgbox(FileSys.FileExists("d:\\web\\uploadfiles\\" & fl)) Dim mg As New Merger mg.SourcePath = "d:\\web\\uploadfiles\\" & fl mg.Format = "excel" \'指定格式 mg.SourceTableName = "表彰$" \'指定要合并的表 mg.DataTableName = "表彰" \'指定接收数据的表 mg.Merge() \'开始合并 DataTables("表彰").save Next End If Next With wb.AddMsgPage("","msgpage","增加成功", "好好学习,天天向上") \'生成成功提示页 .AddButton("btn1","继续增加","upload.htm") End With e.WriteString(wb.Build) End If 代码完整如上 运行时所选择的文件都不会保存到指定的目录下 麻烦老师继续指导下
-- 作者:有点蓝 -- 发布时间:2021/2/26 9:16:00 -- Else msgbox("1") For Each key As String In e.Files.Keys msgbox( key) 能不能弹出 If key = "up1" Then For Each fl As String In e.Files(key) msgbox(fl) 能不能弹出 e.SaveFile(key,fl,"d:\\web\\uploadfiles\\" & fl) \'保存接收到的文件 msgbox(FileSys.FileExists("d:\\web\\uploadfiles\\" & fl)) 能不能弹出 Dim mg As New Merger mg.SourcePath = "d:\\web\\uploadfiles\\" & fl mg.Format = "excel" \'指定格式 mg.SourceTableName = "表彰$" \'指定要合并的表 mg.DataTableName = "表彰" \'指定接收数据的表 mg.Merge() \'开始合并 DataTables("表彰").save Next
-- 作者:cnsjroom -- 发布时间:2021/2/26 9:24:00 -- 回复:(有点蓝)Else msgbox("1") ... 一个都不弹出来 |
-- 作者:有点蓝 -- 发布时间:2021/2/26 9:25:00 -- 没有接收到任何文件,看4楼 |