-- 筛选统计问题
Dim Filter As String = ""
If e.Node.Name <> "显示所有行" Then \'要用Name属性,不能用Text属性
Dim d1 As Date
Dim d2 As Date
Dim d3 As Date
Dim Year As Integer = e.Node.DataRow("年")
Dim Month As Integer = e.Node.DataRow("月")
Dim Day As Integer = e.Node.DataRow("日")
Dim a1 As String = e.Node.DataRow("商品备注")
Dim a2 As String = e.Node.DataRow("是否可用")
Select Case e.Node.Level
Case 0
d1 = New Date(Year,1,1) \'取得该年的第一天
d2 = new Date(Year,12,31) \'取得该年的最后一天
d3 = new Date(Year,1,31) \'取得该年的最后一天
Filter ="登记时间 >= #" & d1 & "# And 登记时间 <= #" & d2 & "# And 登记时间 <= #" & d3 & "#"
Case 1
d1 = New Date(Year, Month, 1) \'取得该月的第一天
d2 = new Date(Year, Month, Date.DaysInMonth(Year,Month)) \'取得该月的最后一天
d3 = new Date(Year, Month, Day, Date.DaysInMonth(Year,Month,Day)) \'取得该月的最后一天
Filter ="登记时间 >= #" & d1 & "# And 登记时间 <= #" & d2 & "# And 登记时间 <= #" & d3 & "#"
Case 2
d1 = New Date(Year, Month, 1) \'取得该月的第一天
d2 = new Date(Year, Month, Date.DaysInMonth(Year,Month)) \'取得该月的最后一天
d3 = new Date(Year, Month,Day, Date.DaysInMonth(Year,Month,Day)) \'取得该月的最后一天
Filter ="登记时间 >= #" & d1 & "# And 登记时间 <= #" & d2 & "# And 登记时间 <= #" & d3 & "#"
Case 3
d1 = New Date(Year, Month, 1) \'取得该月的第一天
d2 = new Date(Year, Month, Date.DaysInMonth(Year,Month)) \'取得该月的最后一天
d3 = new Date(Year, Month,Day, Date.DaysInMonth(Year,Month,Day)) \'取得该月的最后一天
Filter ="登记时间 >= #" & d1 & "# And 登记时间 <= #" & d2 & "# And 登记时间 <= #" & d3 & "# And 商品备注 = \'" & a1 & "\'"
Case 4
d1 = New Date(Year, Month, 1) \'取得该月的第一天
d2 = new Date(Year, Month, Date.DaysInMonth(Year,Month)) \'取得该月的最后一天
d3 = new Date(Year, Month,Day, Date.DaysInMonth(Year,Month,Day)) \'取得该月的最后一天
Filter ="登记时间 >= #" & d1 & "# And 登记时间 <= #" & d2 & "# And 登记时间 <= #" & d3 & "# And 商品备注 = \'" & a1 & " And 是否可用 = \'" & a2 & "\'"
End Select
End If
Tables("FRID标签").Filter = Filter