以文本方式查看主题 - Foxtable(狐表) (http://foxtable.com/bbs/index.asp) -- 专家坐堂 (http://foxtable.com/bbs/list.asp?boardid=2) ---- 如何连接SQL server数据库 (http://foxtable.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=151741) |
-- 作者:wujie -- 发布时间:2020/7/2 15:13:00 -- 如何连接SQL server数据库 点击测试连接都已经提示连接成功,但是预览或者确定就报数据源错误是怎么回事 |
-- 作者:有点蓝 -- 发布时间:2020/7/2 15:28:00 -- 报什么错误?是不是数据库的登录用户没有足够权限? |
-- 作者:wujie -- 发布时间:2020/7/2 15:38:00 -- 数据库连上了,查询报错“#附近有语法错误” 以前连接的是ACCess数据库 |
-- 作者:wujie -- 发布时间:2020/7/2 15:42:00 -- 语法是这样写的,查询SQL Server数据库 Dim d1 As Date = e.Form.Controls("U").Value Dim d2 As Date = e.Form.Controls("V").Value If d1 = Nothing Or d2 = Nothing Then MessageBox.Show("日期都不能为空","友情提醒",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Warning) Else With DataTables("生产记录") .LoadFilter = "日期>=#" & d1 & "# and 日期<=#" & d2 & "#" .Load() End With Dim b As New GroupTableBuilder("统计表2",DataTables("生产记录")) b.Groups.AddDef("配方名称") b.Groups.AddDef("原料名称") b.Totals.AddDef("设定值") b.Totals.AddDef("实际值") b.Totals.AddDef("误差值") b.Build \'生成统计表 MainTable = Tables("统计表2") Tables("窗口1_Table1").DataSource =b.BuildDataSource() End If Dim g As New Subtotalgroup \'定义一个新的分组 g.Aggregate = AggregateEnum.Sum \'统计类型为求和 g.GroupOn = "配方名称" \'分组列 g.TotalOn = "设定值,实际值,误差值" \'进行统计 g.Caption = "合计" \'设置标题 With Tables("窗口1_Table1") .SubtotalGroups.Clear() \'清除原有的分组 .SubtotalGroups.Add(g) \'加入刚刚定义的分组 .Subtotal() \'生成汇总模式 End With With Tables("窗口1_Table1") .MergeMode = MergeModeEnum.Standard .MergeCols.Clear() .MergeCols.Add("配方名称") .MergeSort = "配方名称" .AllowMerge = True End With
-- 作者:有点蓝 -- 发布时间:2020/7/2 16:00:00 -- .LoadFilter = "日期>=\'" & d1 & "\' and 日期<=\'" & d2 & "\'" |
-- 作者:wujie -- 发布时间:2020/7/2 16:57:00 -- 这个语法有什么错误 Dim d1 As Date = e.Form.Controls("B").Value Dim d2 As Date = e.Form.Controls("C").Value Dim s As String = e.Form.Controls("A").Value Dim cmb As WinForm.ComboBox = e.form.Controls("ComboBox1") If d1 = Nothing Or d2 = Nothing Then MessageBox.Show("日期都不能为空","友情提醒",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Warning) Else With DataTables("生产记录") .LoadFilter = "日期>=\'" & d1 & "\' and 日期<=#" & d2 & "\' and 配方名称 = \'" & s & "\'" .Load() End With Dim b As New GroupTableBuilder("统计表5",DataTables("生产记录")) b.Groups.AddDef("原料名称") b.Groups.AddDef("序号") b.Build MainTable = Tables("统计表5") cmb.ComboList = DataTables("统计表5").GetComboListString("序号") End If Dim mb As WinForm.ComboBox mb = Forms("窗口2").Controls("ComboBox1") e.form.controls("D").text = mb.ComboList.split("|").length Dim d11 As Date = e.Form.Controls("B").Value Dim d12 As Date = e.Form.Controls("C").Value Dim s1 As String = e.Form.Controls("A").Value If d1 = Nothing Or d2 = Nothing Then MessageBox.Show("日期都不能为空","友情提醒",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Warning) Else With DataTables("生产记录") .LoadFilter = "日期>=\'" & d11 & "\' and 日期<=\'" & d12 & "\' and 配方名称 = \'" & s1 & "\'" .Load() End With Dim b1 As New GroupTableBuilder("统计表3",DataTables("生产记录")) b1.Groups.AddDef("日期") b1.Groups.AddDef("配方名称") b1.Groups.AddDef("原料名称") b1.Groups.AddDef("设定值") b1.Groups.AddDef("实际值") b1.Groups.AddDef("误差值") b1.Groups.AddDef("序号") b1.Build MainTable = Tables("统计表3") \' Tables("窗口2_Table1").DataSource = b1.BuildDataSource() End If
-- 作者:有点蓝 -- 发布时间:2020/7/2 17:08:00 -- .LoadFilter = "日期>=\'" & d1 & "\' and 日期<=#" & d2 & "\' and 配方名称 = \'" & s & "\'" 没有改正确