以文本方式查看主题 - Foxtable(狐表) (http://foxtable.com/bbs/index.asp) -- 专家坐堂 (http://foxtable.com/bbs/list.asp?boardid=2) ---- 帮我看看哪里错了? (http://foxtable.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=145003) |
-- 作者:hongye -- 发布时间:2020/1/5 16:45:00 -- 帮我看看哪里错了? 到红字处出错,这是为什么? Dim filters As String = "合同号 = \'" & e.Form.Controls("合同号").Text & "\'And 款号 = \'" & e.Form.Controls("款号").Text & "\' And 业务担当 = \'" & e.Form.Controls("业务担当").Text & "\' And 合同交期 = \'" & e.Form.Controls("合同交期").Text & "\' And 客户名称 = \'" & e.Form.Controls("客户名称").Text & "\' And 品名 = \'" & e.Form.Controls("品名").Text & "\'" Dim cmd As New SQLCommand Dim dtsj As DataTable cmd.C cmd.CommandText = "select * Fro m {订单主表} where " & filters dtsj = cmd.ExecuteReader(True) \'记得将参数设置为True If dtsj.DataRows.count = 0 Then msgbox("没有数据") Return End If Dim pbxk As WinForm.PictureBox = Forms("订单查询修改").Controls("PictureBox1") Dim img As String = ProjectPath & "Attachments\\暂无图片.jpg" Dim sfz As String = dtsj.DataRows(0)("款式图片") Dim fmz As String = ProjectPath & "\\RemoteFiles\\" & sfz Dim nr As WinForm.TextBox = e.Form.Controls("合同号") Dim nk As WinForm.TextBox = e.Form.Controls("款号") Dim ftp1 As New FtpClient ftp1.Host=Tables("FTPIP").Current("FTPhost") ftp1.Account = Tables("FTPIP").Current("FTPAccount") ftp1.Password = Tables("FTPIP").Current("FTPpassword") If ftp1.FileExists(sfz) Then ftp1.DeleteFile(sfz) sfz = Nothing dtsj.Save() End If If FileSys.FileExists(fmz) Then FileSys.DeleteFile(fmz,2,2) End If Dim dlg As new OpenFileDialog If dlg.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then If ftp1.Upload(dlg.FileName, "\\kst\\"& e.Form.Controls("合同号").Text & e.Form.Controls("款号").Text & ".jpg") = True Then dtsj.DataRows(0)("款式图片") &= IIF(dtsj.DataRows(0).IsNull("款式图片"), "",vbcrlf) & "\\kst\\" & e.Form.Controls("合同号").Text & e.Form.Controls("款号").Text & ".jpg" Messagebox.show("上传完成!","提示",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Information) Else Messagebox.show("上传失败!","提示",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Information) End If msgbox(1) dtsj.Save() msgbox(2) If FileSys.FileExists(fmz) = False AndAlso ftp1.FileExists(sfz) Then msgbox(2.5) ftp1.Download(sfz,fmz) msgbox(3) End If If FileSys.FileExists(fmz) Then pbxk.ImageFile = fmz msgbox(4) Else pbxk.ImageFile = img msgbox(5) End If ftp1.close msgbox(6) End If If dtsj.HasChanges Then msgbox(7) If MessageBox.Show("订单已经被修改,是否保存?", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) = DialogResult.Yes Then dtsj.Save() End If End If
-- 作者:有点蓝 -- 发布时间:2020/1/5 21:34:00 -- 提示什么错误? |