以文本方式查看主题 - Foxtable(狐表) (http://foxtable.com/bbs/index.asp) -- 专家坐堂 (http://foxtable.com/bbs/list.asp?boardid=2) ---- [求助]输出word表格 (http://foxtable.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=142822) |
-- 作者:12397522011 -- 发布时间:2019/11/7 10:14:00 -- [求助]输出word表格
[此贴子已经被作者于2019/11/7 15:34:35编辑过]
-- 作者:有点蓝 -- 发布时间:2019/11/7 15:49:00 -- \'//////////////////生成表格的代码 Dim app As New MSWord.Application try Dim doc = app.Documents.Open(ProjectPath & "\\Reports\\病害整理.doc") \'////////////////生成临时表 Dim tbl As Table = Tables("病害统计表") \'定义一个表 Dim Regions As List(Of String) = tbl.DataTable.GetValues("桥梁名称") \'从指定列中,获取不重复的值,以字符集合的形式返回|桥梁代码|部件名称 Dim WdLine = MSWord.WdUnits.wdLine Dim tcount = 2 Dim Js As Integer = 1 \'第一次循环赋值 Dim dr As DataRow For Each Region As String In Regions Dim drs As List(of DataRow) = tbl.DataTable.Select("[桥梁名称] = \'" & Region & "\'","部件名称") For i As Integer = 0 To drs.Count - 1 Step 3 \'////写入wordtest1 app.Selection.TypeText (Text:= Region) doc.Tables.Add(Range:=app.Selection.Range,NumRows:=1, NumColumns:= 5) \'返回一个 Table 对象,该对象代表添加至文档中的空白新表格 \'///定义表格格式 With app.Selection.Tables(1) .ApplyStyleHeadingRows = True .ApplyStyleLastRow = True .ApplyStyleFirstColumn = True .ApplyStyleLastColumn = True .Style = "网格型" \'.Cell(1,1).SetWidth (ColumnWidth:=36,RulerStyle:= wdAdjustNone) End With Dim cls() As String = {"部件名称","构件编号","评定项目","缺损情况病害描述","照片或图片"} For Each name As String In cls app.Selection.TypeText(Text:=Name) app.Selection.MoveRight(Unit:=12) Next For j As Integer = i To math.Min(i+2,drs.Count - 1) dr = drs(j) For Each name As String In cls app.Selection.TypeText(Text:=dr(Name)) If j = math.Min(i+2,drs.Count - 1) AndAlso name = "照片或图片" Else app.Selection.MoveRight(Unit:=12) End If Next Next app.Selection.MoveDown(WdLine , tcount , Nothing) \'app.Selection.TypeParagraph() Next Next \'app.Visible = True catch ex As exception msgbox(ex.message) app.Quit finally End try
-- 作者:12397522011 -- 发布时间:2019/11/7 16:32:00 -- 感谢大神的帮助,代码粘贴进去后,点击按钮没反应,麻烦再抽空看看 |
-- 作者:有点蓝 -- 发布时间:2019/11/7 16:36:00 -- 我测试没有问题 |
-- 作者:12397522011 -- 发布时间:2019/11/7 17:51:00 -- 非常感谢,我再看看 |
-- 作者:12397522011 -- 发布时间:2019/11/8 12:19:00 -- 根据修改的代码我重新调了下,但是会出现如下图的错误(红框标注的地方,大部分合适,有个别地方就会出现问题),麻烦帮忙看看 ![]() ![]() \'//////////////////生成表格的代码 Dim app As New MSWord.Application try Dim doc = app.Documents.Open(ProjectPath & "\\Reports\\病害整理.doc") Dim tbl As Table = Tables("病害统计表") \'定义一个表 Dim Regions As List(Of String) = tbl.DataTable.GetValues("桥梁名称") \'从指定列中,获取不重复的值,以字符集合的形式返回|桥梁代码|部件名称 Dim WdLine = MSWord.WdUnits.wdLine Dim tcount = 2 For Each Region As String In Regions Dim drs As List(of DataRow) = tbl.DataTable.Select("[桥梁名称] = \'" & Region & "\'","Bjpx,构件编号") For Each dr As DataRow In drs app.Selection.TypeText (Text:= Region) \'写桥明 doc.Tables.Add(Range:=app.Selection.Range,NumRows:=1, NumColumns:= 5) \'返回一个 Table 对象,该对象代表添加至文档中的空白新表格 \'///定义表格格式 With app.Selection.Tables(1) .ApplyStyleHeadingRows = True .ApplyStyleLastRow = True .ApplyStyleFirstColumn = True .ApplyStyleLastColumn = True .Style = "网格型" \'.Cell(1,1).SetWidth (ColumnWidth:=36,RulerStyle:= wdAdjustNone) End With Dim cls() As String = {"部件名称","构件编号","细部位置","缺损情况病害描述","照片或图片"} For Each Name As String In cls \'写表头 app.Selection.TypeText(Text:=Name) app.Selection.MoveRight(Unit:=12) Next For j As Integer = 0 To drs.Count - 1 dr = drs(j) For Each name As String In cls app.Selection.TypeText(Text:=dr(name)) \'插入指定的文本 If j = drs.Count - 1 AndAlso name = "照片或图片" Else app.Selection.MoveRight(Unit:=12) End If Next Next app.Selection.MoveDown(WdLine , tcount , Nothing) \'///////添加照片 For r As Integer = 0 To drs.Count -1 Dim lst As List(of String) = drs(r).lines("照片或图片") For Each s As String In lst Dim img = ProjectPath & "Attachments\\" & s \'图片路径 Dim rg = app.Selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture( img ,False,True) \'插入照片 rg.Width = 217.6 \'图片宽(7.7cm) rg.Height=217.6 \'图片高 Next Next app.Selection.TypeParagraph() \'/////添加照片 Exit For Next Next \'app.Visible = True MessageBox.Show("输出完成") catch ex As exception msgbox(ex.message) app.Quit finally End try
-- 作者:有点蓝 -- 发布时间:2019/11/8 13:44:00 -- 上传实例 |
-- 作者:有点蓝 -- 发布时间:2019/11/8 13:55:00 -- 试试 …… For Each dr As DataRow In drs app.Selection.TypeText (Text:= Region) \'写桥明 doc.Tables.Add(Range:=app.Selection.Range,NumRows:=1, NumColumns:= 5) \'返回一个 Table 对象,该对象代表添加至文档中的空白新表格 \'///定义表格格式 With app.Selection.Tables(1) .ApplyStyleHeadingRows = True .ApplyStyleLastRow = True .ApplyStyleFirstColumn = True .ApplyStyleLastColumn = True .Style = "网格型" \'.Cell(1,1).SetWidth (ColumnWidth:=36,RulerStyle:= wdAdjustNone) End With Dim cls() As String = {"部件名称","构件编号","细部位置","缺损情况病害描述","照片或图片"} For Each Name As String In cls \'写表头 app.Selection.TypeText(Text:=Name) app.Selection.MoveRight(Unit:=12) Next For j As Integer = 0 To drs.Count - 1 dr = drs(j) For Each name As String In cls If name = "照片或图片"then Dim lst As List(of String) = dr.lines("照片或图片") For Each s As String In lst Dim img = ProjectPath & "Attachments\\" & s \'图片路径 Dim rg = app.Selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture( img ,False,True) \'插入照片 rg.Width = 217.6 \'图片宽(7.7cm) rg.Height=217.6 \'图片高 Next Else app.Selection.TypeText(Text:=dr(name)) \'插入指定的文本 End If If j = drs.Count - 1 AndAlso name = "照片或图片" Else app.Selection.MoveRight(Unit:=12) End If Next Next app.Selection.MoveDown(WdLine , tcount , Nothing) app.Selection.TypeParagraph() \'/////添加照片 Next ……
-- 作者:12397522011 -- 发布时间:2019/11/8 15:46:00 -- 问题1:前面混乱的问题好了,但是没法保存。 问题2:一个桥名的表格完了之后,照片全按顺序显示到表格的下面就可以,直接显示到表格,表格行太高了 问题3:有没有办法加个显示进度的,一直等不知道啥时候能输出完 ![]() ![]() |
-- 作者:有点蓝 -- 发布时间:2019/11/8 16:23:00 -- 试试 For Each dr As DataRow In drs app.Selection.TypeText (Text:= Region) \'写桥明 doc.Tables.Add(Range:=app.Selection.Range,NumRows:=1, NumColumns:= 5) \'返回一个 Table 对象,该对象代表添加至文档中的空白新表格 \'///定义表格格式 With app.Selection.Tables(1) .ApplyStyleHeadingRows = True .ApplyStyleLastRow = True .ApplyStyleFirstColumn = True .ApplyStyleLastColumn = True .Style = "网格型" \'.Cell(1,1).SetWidth (ColumnWidth:=36,RulerStyle:= wdAdjustNone) End With Dim cls() As String = {"部件名称","构件编号","细部位置","缺损情况病害描述","照片或图片"} For Each Name As String In cls \'写表头 app.Selection.TypeText(Text:=Name) app.Selection.MoveRight(Unit:=12) Next For j As Integer = 0 To drs.Count - 1 dr = drs(j) For Each name As String In cls app.Selection.TypeText(Text:=dr(name)) \'插入指定的文本 If j = drs.Count - 1 AndAlso name = "照片或图片" Else app.Selection.MoveRight(Unit:=12) End If Next Next app.Selection.MoveDown(WdLine , tcount , Nothing) app.Selection.TypeParagraph() Next \'///////添加照片 For r As Integer = 0 To drs.Count -1 Dim lst As List(of String) = drs(r).lines("照片或图片") For Each s As String In lst Dim img = ProjectPath & "Attachments\\" & s \'图片路径 Dim rg = app.Selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture( img ,False,True) \'插入照片 rg.Width = 217.6 \'图片宽(7.7cm) rg.Height=217.6 \'图片高 Next Next app.Selection.MoveDown(WdLine , tcount , Nothing) app.Selection.TypeParagraph() |