以文本方式查看主题 - Foxtable(狐表) (http://foxtable.com/bbs/index.asp) -- 专家坐堂 (http://foxtable.com/bbs/list.asp?boardid=2) ---- [求助]动态列表 (http://foxtable.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=139194) |
-- 作者:lgj716330 -- 发布时间:2019/8/7 22:34:00 -- [求助]动态列表 Dim cmb As WinForm.CheckedComboBox = e.Sender Dim str11 As String = e.Form.Controls("ZZ").value Dim str12 As String = e.Form.Controls("DP").value Dim str21 As String = e.Form.Controls("ZZFL").value Dim str22 As String = e.Form.Controls("DPFL").value If str11 IsNot Nothing And str12 IsNot Nothing Then cmb.ComboList = DataTables("店铺档案").GetComboListString("部门名称", "\'" & str21 & "\' in ( \'" & str11.replace(",","\',\'") & "\') and \'" & str22 & "\' in ( \'" & str12.replace(",","\',\'") & "\')") ElseIf str11 Is Nothing And str12 IsNot Nothing Then cmb.ComboList = DataTables("店铺档案").GetComboListString("部门名称", "\'" & str22 & "\' in ( \'" & str12.replace(",","\',\'") & "\')") ElseIf str11 IsNot Nothing And str12 Is Nothing Then cmb.ComboList = DataTables("店铺档案").GetComboListString("部门名称", "\'" & str21 & "\' in ( \'" & str11.replace(",","\',\'") & "\')") Else cmb.ComboList = DataTables("店铺档案").GetComboListString("部门名称") End If 上面的DPMX控件根据ZZ和DP控件联动,ZZ控件根据ZZFL联动,DP控件根据DPFL联动,发现只有ZZ和DP都不选的时候DPMX才有,其他情况DPMX都是空的,其中ZZFL是列名,ZZ是列的内容,DPFL是列名,DP是列的内容,我这代码哪里有问题
[此贴子已经被作者于2019/8/7 22:36:23编辑过]
-- 作者:有点蓝 -- 发布时间:2019/8/8 9:31:00 -- 列名不需要使用单引号引起来,否则就是普通的字符串而不是列名了 |