以文本方式查看主题 - Foxtable(狐表) (http://foxtable.com/bbs/index.asp) -- 专家坐堂 (http://foxtable.com/bbs/list.asp?boardid=2) ---- AddTextArea的值是怎么传递 (http://foxtable.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=131852) |
-- 作者:huhuyq -- 发布时间:2019/3/7 15:19:00 -- AddTextArea的值是怎么传递 多行文本框是怎么传递值,我用下面的代码,没有“备注”多行文本框传递过来的值,请大神们指教: httprequest: If e.PostValues.Count > 0 Then Functions.Execute("ZCSave",e) \'保存表单数据 End If Dim pr As DataRow \'订单 Dim Page As Integer \'页码变量 If e.GetValues.ContainsKey("page") Then \'如果地址中有page参数 Integer.TryParse(e.GetValues("page"), page) \'提取page参数 End If Dim ds As New List(Of String) ds = DataTables("学生基本信息").SQLGetValues("学期","","学期") Dim d As String = ds (ds.Count - 1) If e.GetValues.ContainsKey("oid") = False Then \'如果没有传递订单编号,则新增与一个订单 pr = DataTables("财务支出").AddNew() pr("学期") = d pr("序号") = Functions.Execute("GetZCOrderID") Else pr = DataTables("财务支出").SQLFind("[_Identify]=\'" & e.GetValues("oid") & "\'") If pr Is Nothing Then \'多用户情况下,必须考虑其他用户删除订单的可能. wb.InSertHtml("此支出记录已被其他用户删除!") e.WriteString(wb.Build) Return "" \'必须返回 End If End If Dim url As String = "zcedit.htm?page=" & page & "&oid=" & pr("_Identify") \'传递页码和订单编号 Dim zx as string = "|优蒙艺术培训中心|玄武培训中心|".replace("|" &pr("培训中心")&"|","|[" & pr("培训中心") & "]|") Dim lb as string = "|房租|演出报名费|考级报名费|礼品费|服装费|化妆费|其他|".replace("|" &pr("支出费用类别")&"|","|[" & pr("支出费用类别") & "]|") Dim fs as string = "|支付宝|微信|现金|网银|其他|".replace("|" &pr("支出方式")&"|","|[" & pr("支出方式") & "]|") Dim ser As Integer = pr("序号") Dim max As Integer = DataTables("财务支出").SQLCompute("max(序号)") Dim min As Integer = DataTables("财务支出").SQLCompute("min(序号)") Dim lr As DataRow Dim nr As DataRow With wb.AddTabBar("form1","tb1",1) If ser > min Then lr = DataTables("财务支出").SQLFind("序号 = \'"& ser &"\'- 1") .AddButton("btn4", "上一个", "./images/上一个.png","zcedit.htm?oid=" & lr("_Identify")) End If If ser < max Then nr = DataTables("财务支出").SQLFind("序号 = \'"& ser &"\'+ 1") .AddButton("btn5", "下一个", "./images/下一个.png","zcedit.htm?oid=" & nr("_Identify")) End If If e.GetValues.ContainsKey("oid") = False Then \'如过是新增订单 .AddButton("btn6", "取消", "./images/返回.jpg","zcdelete.htm?page=" & page & "&key=" & pr("_Identify")) Else .AddButton("btn6", "返回", "./images/返回.jpg","ZCList.htm?page=" & page) End If End With wb.AddForm("","form1",url) With wb.AddInputGroup("form1","ipg1",iif(e.GetValues.ContainsKey("oid"),"编辑信息","新增信息"))
.AddHiddenValue("Identify",pr("_Identify")) .AddInput("学期","学期","text").Value = pr("学期") .AddSelect("培训中心","培训中心",zx) .AddInput("支出时间","支出时间","date").Value = pr("支出时间") .AddSelect("支出费用类别","支出费用类别",lb) .AddInput("支出金额","支出金额","number").Value = pr("支出金额") .AddSelect("支出方式","支出方式",fs) With wb.AddInputGroup("form1","ipg2","备注") .AddTextArea("bz",5).Value = pr("备注") End With End With With wb.AddButtonGroup("form1","btg1",False) .Add("btn1", "保存", "submit") .Add("btn2", "重置", "reset") If e.GetValues.ContainsKey("oid") = False Then \'如过是新增订单 .Add("btn3", "取消", "button","zcdelete.htm?page=" & page & "&key=" & pr("_Identify")) Else .Add("btn3", "返回", "button","ZCList.htm?page=" & page) End if End With pr.Save() \'必须保存,而且必须在最后保存,因为SQLAddNew增加的行,保存之后就会销毁,无法再调用 If e.PostValues.Count > 0 Then \'如果是通过提交按钮访问,则给一个已经保存的提示给用户,时长500毫秒 wb.AddToast("","t1", "已经保存",0).Msec= 1000 End If ZCSave 函数,message直接没有备注的postvalue传过来: Dim e As RequestEventArgs = args(0) Dim dr As DataRow = DataTables("财务支出").SQLFind("[_Identify]=\'" & e.PostValues("Identify") & "\'") Dim nms() As String = {"学期","支出时间","支出费用类别","支出金额","支出方式","培训中心","备注"} \'"" If dr IsNot Nothing Then For Each nm As String In nms If e.PostValues.ContainsKey(nm) Then dr(nm)= e.PostValues(nm) messagebox.show(nm & ":" & e.PostValues(nm) ) Else dr(nm) = Nothing End If Next End If dr.Save() |
-- 作者:有点甜 -- 发布时间:2019/3/7 15:29:00 -- AddTextArea("bz",5).Value = pr("备注")
AddTextArea("备注",5).Value = pr("备注") |
-- 作者:huhuyq -- 发布时间:2019/3/7 15:35:00 -- 谢谢老师,,自己太二了。。。。 |
-- 作者:huhuyq -- 发布时间:2019/3/7 15:39:00 -- 谢谢老师,自己太二了。。。 |