以文本方式查看主题 - Foxtable(狐表) (http://foxtable.com/bbs/index.asp) -- 专家坐堂 (http://foxtable.com/bbs/list.asp?boardid=2) ---- { "errcode": 48001, "errmsg": "api unauthorized, hints: [ req_id: cjEHBa06182286 ]" } (http://foxtable.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=122873) |
-- 作者:xluoping -- 发布时间:2018/8/3 14:13:00 -- { "errcode": 48001, "errmsg": "api unauthorized, hints: [ req_id: cjEHBa06182286 ]" } Dim e As RequestEventArgs = args(0) Dim hst As String = e.Host Dim sb As New StringBuilder sb.AppendLine("<meta name=\'viewport\' c>") Dim agent As String = e.request.UserAgent If agent.contains("MicroMessenger") AndAlso hst.Contains("weixin.") Then Dim UserName As String Dim OpenID As String If e.GetValues.ContainsKey("code") Then \'如果是通过授权链接跳转而来,就从链接重提取code来获取openid Dim ul As String = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/oauth2/access_token?appid={0}&secret={1}&code={2}&grant_type=authorization_code" ul = CExp(ul,"wxac4b413cd0fdddsa1","a35b9ccf3b0e6cfab9acsdfsffsbb3b98de",e.GetValues("code")) Dim hc As new HttpClient(ul) Dim jo As JObject = JObject.Parse(hc.GetData) If jo("openid") IsNot Nothing Then \'如果获取openid成功(成功的话,还会同时返回一个accesstiken,用于获取用户详情) OpenID = jo("openid") Dim dr As DataRow = DataTables("WXUsers").sqlFind("openid =\'" & Openid & "\'") If dr IsNot Nothing Then UserName = dr("nickname") Else ul = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/userinfo?access_token={0}&openid={1}&lang=zh_CN " \'根据openid和accesstoken获取用户详情,注意这里这个accesstoken不是普通accesston,只能用于网页授权 hc = New HttpClient(CExp(ul, jo("access_token"), OpenId)) jo = jo.Parse(hc.GetData) If jo("openid") IsNot Nothing Then UserName = jo("nickname") dr = DataTables("WXUsers").AddNew() Dim nms() As String = {"openid","nickname","sex","city","country","province","headimgurl"} \'"" For Each nm As String In nms dr(nm) = jo(nm) Next dr("permit") = True dr.Save() Else e.WriteString(jo.ToString) \'在用户浏览器显示错误信息 Return "" End If End If e.AppendCookie("username",UserName) \'用户名和openid存储在Cookie中 e.AppendCookie("openid",OpenID) Else e.WriteString(jo.ToString) \'在用户浏览器显示错误信息 Return "" End If Else UserName = e.Cookies("username") \'从cookie获取用户名和openid OpenID = e.Cookies("openid") If UserName = "" OrElse OpenID = "" Then Dim ul As String = "https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/oauth2/authorize?appid=wxac4b451413cd0fa1&redirect_uri=http%3a%2f%2f" & hst & "&response_type=code&scope=snsapi_base&state=123#wechat_redirect" sb.Append("<meta http-equiv=\'Refresh\' c>") \'跳转到授权链接 e.WriteString(sb.ToString) Return "" End If End If If OpenID > "" And UserName > "" Then \'这里可以做进一步的权限判断 sb.AppendLine("欢迎" & UserName & "光临, <a href=\'http://" & hst & "\'>刷新页面</a>") Else sb.AppendLine("你无权访问本系统") End If e.WriteString(sb.ToString) Else Static UserTable As DataTable \'定义一个变量,用于存储用户随机身份ID,以及最后一次活动时间. Static ClearTime As Date If UserTable Is Nothing Then \'创建用于记录登录信息的临时表 ClearTime = Date.Now() Dim dtb As New DataTableBuilder("UserInfos") dtb.AddDef("UserName", Gettype(String), 200) dtb.AddDef("UserID",Gettype(String),200) dtb.AddDef("ActiveTime",Gettype(Date)) UserTable = dtb.Build(True) End If If (Date.Now - ClearTime).TotalMinutes >= 30 Then \'清除超过30分钟没有操作的登录信息 UserTable.DeleteFor("ActiveTime < #" & Date.Now.AddMinutes(-30) & "#") ClearTime = Date.Now() End If Dim wb As New weui \'身份验证 Dim UserName As String Dim Password As String Dim UserID As String If e.Path = "logon.htm" \'验证用户名和密码 If e.PostValues.ContainsKey("username") AndAlso e.PostValues.ContainsKey("password") Then Dim Verified As Boolean \'用于标记用户是否通过了身份验证 UserName = e.PostValues("username") Password = e.PostValues("password") Dim sdr As DataRow = DataTables("WXUsers2").SQLFind("身份证号 =\'" & UserName & "\' and password =\'" & password & "\'") If sdr IsNot Nothing Then \'实际使用的时候,请改为从数据库读取用户名和密码进行比较 Verified = True e.AppendCookie("openid",sdr("OpenID")) End If If Verified Then UserID = Rand.NextString(16) \'生成随机用户ID UserName = EncryptText(UserName,"999","999") \'将用户名加密. Dim dr As DataRow = UserTable.Find("UserName = \'" & UserName & "\'") If dr IsNot Nothing Then \'如果是重复登录,删除以前的登录信息 dr.Delete() End If dr = UserTable.AddNew() dr("UserName") = UserName dr("UserID") = UserId dr("ActiveTime") = Date.Now \'记录登录时间 wb.AppendCookie("username",UserName) \'将用户名和密码写入cookie wb.AppendCookie("userid",UserID) wb.InsertHTML("<meta http-equiv=\'Refresh\' c>") \'直接跳转到首页 e.WriteString(wb.Build) \'生成网页 Return "" \'必须的 End If End If ElseIf e.Path = "wefox" If e.Request.HttpMethod.ToUpper = "GET" If Functions.Execute("VerifySignature",e) Then e.WriteString(e.GetValues("echostr")) End If End If Else \'其它页面从Cookie提取登录信息进行验证 UserName = e.Cookies("username") \'从cookie中获取用户名 UserID = e.Cookies("userid") \'从cookie中获取 随机ID Dim dr As DataRow = UserTable.Find("UserName = \'" & UserName & "\'") If dr IsNot Nothing AndAlso dr("UserID") = UserID Then \'如果通过验证,更新活动时候,继续访问其它页面. dr("ActiveTime") = Date.Now \'更新活动时间 Else \'如果验证失败 wb.InsertHTML("<meta http-equiv=\'Refresh\' c>") \'那么直接跳转到登录页面 e.WriteString(wb.Build) \'生成网页 Return "" \'必须的 End If End If \'开始生成网页 End If 黄色的那一段代码有什么问题,微信登录weixin.域名网页结果是: { "errcode": 48001, "errmsg": "api unauthorized, hints: [ req_id: cjEHBa06182286 ]" } 请问问题出在哪里? 网页 我的是 公众号!
[此贴子已经被作者于2018/8/3 14:20:45编辑过]
-- 作者:有点甜 -- 发布时间:2018/8/3 14:32:00 -- appid、appSecret 改成自己的,不能填错。
ul = CExp(ul,"wxac4b413cd0fdddsa1","a35b9ccf3b0e6cfab9acsdfsffsbb3b98de",e.GetValues("code"))
-- 作者:xluoping -- 发布时间:2018/8/3 15:39:00 --
-- 作者:xluoping -- 发布时间:2018/8/3 16:20:00 -- appid、appSecret 确认过没有问题!
-- 作者:有点甜 -- 发布时间:2018/8/3 17:18:00 -- 单独做一个页面,测试这个功能
-- 作者:xluoping -- 发布时间:2018/8/4 11:44:00 -- 已解决 已解决,谢谢! |