-- 作者:ajie5211
-- 发布时间:2018/7/6 16:27:00
-- [求助]吐血,单行计算有数据整表计算就是0
下面这段代码,红色代码没有注释掉时(单行计算时),dr("往年后三个月月平均用量"), dr("往年当月总用量"), dr("往年当月和后两月总用量"),dr("近12月平均值"),这几个都能算到值,如果注释掉,就是整表计算时,这几个值就都是0,但dr("同族料号")单行计算和整表计算,值都是一样的。这是怎么会事啊,吐血了。
For Each dr As DataRow In DataTables("库存界线表").DataRows If dr("料号") <> "SSD0350011" Then Continue For End If If dr("产品形态") = "金属零件" OrElse dr("产品形态") = "五金原料" Then Dim lh As String = dr("料号") Dim cls As new List(of String) cls = DataTables("BOM及材料库存").SQLGetValues("F252","F257 = \'" & lh & "\' and F250 <> \'成品\'") \'找出上级成品有几个料号 Dim tzlhs As new List(of String) \'定义同族料号集合 Dim tzlhzds As new Dictionary(of String,Decimal) \'定义料号用量字典 Dim yl As Decimal If cls.Count > 0 Then For Each cl As String In cls \'上级成品料号加入同族集合 Dim lss As new List(of String()) lss = DataTables("BOM及材料库存").SQLGetValues("F257|F259|F255","F252 = \'" & cl & "\'") \'找出下级物料有几个料号 If lss.Count = 1 Then Dim lstzs As new List(of String) lstzs = DataTables("BOM及材料库存").SQLGetValues("F252","F257 = \'" & cl & "\' and F250 <> \'成品\'") \'找出上级成品有几个料号 If lstzs.Count < 1 Then If tzlhs.Contains(cl) = False Then tzlhs.Add(cl) If tzlhzds.ContainsKey(lss(0)(0)) Then yl = iif(yl > 0,lss(0)(1) / lss(0)(2) * tzlhzds(lss(0)(0)) * yl,lss(0)(1) / lss(0)(2) * tzlhzds(lss(0)(0))) Else yl = iif(yl > 0 ,lss(0)(1) / lss(0)(2) * yl, lss(0)(1) / lss(0)(2)) End If tzlhzds.Add(cl,yl) End If Else yl = iif(yl > 0 ,lss(0)(1) / lss(0)(2) * yl, lss(0)(1) / lss(0)(2)) Functions.Execute("同族顶层料号",tzlhs,lstzs,tzlhzds,yl) \'找出成品料号的上级成品料号加入同族 End If End If Next End If If tzlhzds.Count > 0 Then Dim stz As String = Nothing Dim lskc As Decimal = 0 Dim lskc1 As Decimal = 0 Dim lskc2 As Decimal = 0 Dim lskc3 As Decimal = 0 For Each tzlh As String In tzlhzds.Keys stz = tzlh & "|" & stz Dim lsdr As DataRow = DataTables("库存界线表").SQLFind("料号 = \'" & tzlh & "\'") If lsdr IsNot Nothing Then lskc = lskc + lsdr("往年后三个月月平均用量") * tzlhzds(tzlh) lskc1 = lskc1 + lsdr("往年当月总用量") * tzlhzds(tzlh) lskc2 = lskc2 + lsdr("往年当月和后两月总用量") * tzlhzds(tzlh) lskc3 = lskc3 + lsdr("近12月平均值") * tzlhzds(tzlh) End If Next stz = IIF(stz IsNot Nothing, stz.TrimEnd("|"), Nothing) dr("同族料号") = IIF(stz IsNot Nothing, stz, Nothing) dr("往年后三个月月平均用量") = lskc dr("往年当月总用量") = lskc1 dr("往年当月和后两月总用量") = lskc2 dr("近12月平均值") = lskc3 End If End If Next