- Foxtable(狐表) (http://foxtable.com/bbs/index.asp)
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---- 实时刷新 (http://foxtable.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=107602)
-- 作者:刘林
-- 发布时间:2017/10/3 22:27:00
-- 实时刷新
Dim e As RequestEventArgs = args(0) Dim wb As New WeUI If e.PostValues.Count = 0 Then \'分组统计设置 wb.AddPageTitle("","pageheader","自测考试报名","请依次选填,入学年为学级") wb.AddForm("","form1","zcks.htm") With wb.AddInputGroup("form1","ipg1","") .AddSelect("学期","学 期","17秋|18春").attribute ="style=\'color:blue\'" .AddSelect("xd","学 段","初中|小学").attribute ="style=\'color:blue\'" .AddSelect("xj","学 级",DataTables("级").SQLGetComboListString("级")).attribute ="style=\'color:blue\'" .AddSelect("bj","班 级",DataTables("班").SQLGetComboListString("班","","序")).attribute ="style=\'color:blue\'" .AddSelect("km","科 目",DataTables("科目").SQLGetComboListString("科目")).attribute ="style=\'color:blue\'" .AddInput("ksmc","考试名称","text").attribute ="style=\'color:blue\'" Dim In1 =.addinput("rq","考试日期","date") In1.value=Date.Today In1.attribute ="style=\'color:blue\'" With.AddInput("amf","A 卷满分","number") .Min = "0" .Max = "120" .Step="1" .value="100" .attribute ="style=\'color:blue\'" End With With.AddInput("az","A 卷折率","number") .Min = "0" .Max = "1" .Step="0.01" .value="1" .attribute ="style=\'color:blue\'" End With With.AddInput("bmf","B 卷满分","number") .Min = "0" .Max = "60" .Step="1" .value="0" .attribute ="style=\'color:blue\'"
End With With.AddInput("bz","B 卷折率","number") .Min = "0" .Max = "1" .Step="0.01" .value="1" .attribute ="style=\'color:blue\'" End With
End With With wb.AddButtonGroup("form1","btg1",False) .Add("btn1", "确定", "submit") .add("btn1","上分", "submit","tf.htm") .Add("btn1", "返回","","jwzrdefault.htm") End With
Else \'显示统计结果 Dim bjhc As String = trim(e.PostValues("xd") & e.PostValues("xj") & e.PostValues("bj")) wb.AppendCookie("xq",e.PostValues("学期")) wb.AppendCookie("bj",bjhc) wb.AppendCookie("km",e.PostValues("km")) wb.AppendCookie("ksmc",e.PostValues("ksmc")) wb.AddPageTitle("","pageheader","学生成绩表册",e.postvalues("学期") & ">" & bjhc & ">" & e.postvalues("km") & ">" & e.PostValues("ksmc")) \' wb.AddForm("","form1","") Dim dr As DataRow = DataTables("用户").sqlfind("身份证号 = \'" & e.Cookies("username") & "\'") Dim xss As List(Of DataRow) xss = DataTables("学生信息").sqlSelect("学校名称 = \'" & dr("group") & "\' And 班级 = \'" & bjhc & "\' and left(状态,2) =\'在读\'") For Each xs As DataRow In xss Dim pr As DataRow pr =DataTables("自测成绩").sqlfind("学期= \'"& e.PostValues("学期") & "\' and 学校名称 = \'" & dr("group") & "\' and 班级 = \'" & bjhc & "\' And 考试名称 =\'" & e.PostValues("ksmc") & "\' and 科目 = \'" & e.PostValues("km") & "\' and 身份证号 = \'" & xs("身份证件号") & "\'") If pr Is Nothing pr = DataTables("自测成绩").addnew() End If pr("学校名称")= dr("group") pr("考试名称")= e.PostValues("ksmc") pr("科目") =e.PostValues("km") pr("班级") = xs("班级") pr("姓名")=xs("学生姓名") pr("身份证号")=xs("身份证件号") pr("学期") = e.PostValues("学期") pr("考试日期")= e.postvalues("rq") pr("A卷满分")=val(e.postvalues("amf")) pr("B卷满分")=val(e.postvalues("bmf")) pr("A卷折率")=val(e.postvalues("az")) pr("B卷折率")=val(e.postvalues("bz")) pr("教师身份证")= e.Cookies("username") pr.save() Next wb.AddToast("","t1", "正在上传",1) \'定义提示 wb.AddForm("","form1","cjsave.htm").attribute= """ With wb.AddButtonGroup("form1","btg1", False) \'水平排列 .Add("btn6", "保存","submit") .Add("btn7", "返回","button","tfsz.htm")\'.Attribute = "" End With Dim xss1 As List(Of DataRow) =DataTables("自测成绩").sqlselect("学期= \'"& e.PostValues("学期") & "\' And 班级 = \'" & bjhc & "\' And 考试名称 =\'" & e.PostValues("ksmc") & "\' and 科目 = \'" & e.PostValues("km") & "\' and 教师身份证 = \'" & e.Cookies("username") & "\'","","总分 desc,姓名") wb.InsertHTML("form1", "<Table border=1 cellspacing=0 style=\'width:100%;text-align:center;\'><tr><td style=\'text-align:center;font-size: 15pt;strong\'>姓名</td><td style=\'text-align:center;font-size: 15pt\'>A卷</td><td style=\'text-align:center;font-size: 15pt\'>B卷</td><td style=\'text-align:center;font-size: 15pt\'>总分</td></tr>") For Each xs1 As DataRow In xss1 wb.insertHtml("form1", "<tr><td style=\'width:25%;font-size:15pt\' >" & xs1("姓名") & "</td><td style=\'width:25%\'><input style=\'width:95%;font-size: 15pt; border:none;text-align:center;\' type=\'number\' max= \'" & xs1("A卷满分") & "\' min =\'0\' name=\'txt1_" & xs1("_Identify") & "\' value=\'" & iif(xs1("A卷")>0, xs1("A卷"),"") & "\' /></td><td style=\'width:25%\'><input style=\'width:95%;font-size:15pt;border:none;text-align:center;\' type= \'number\' max= \'" & xs1("B卷满分") & "\' name=\'txt2_" & xs1("_Identify") & "\' value=\'" & iif(xs1("B卷")>0,xs1("B卷"),"") & "\' /></td><td style=\'width:25%;font-size:15pt\' >" & xs1("总分") & "</td></tr>") Next Dim pja As Double = DataTables("自测成绩").SQLCompute("avg(A卷)","学期= \'"& e.PostValues("学期") & "\' And 班级 = \'" & bjhc & "\' And 考试名称 =\'" & e.PostValues("ksmc") & "\' and 科目 = \'" & e.PostValues("km") & "\' and 教师身份证 = \'" & e.Cookies("username") & "\' and 总分>0") Dim pjb As Double = DataTables("自测成绩").SQLCompute("avg(B卷)","学期= \'"& e.PostValues("学期") & "\' And 班级 = \'" & bjhc & "\' And 考试名称 =\'" & e.PostValues("ksmc") & "\' and 科目 = \'" & e.PostValues("km") & "\' and 教师身份证 = \'" & e.Cookies("username") & "\'and 总分>0") Dim pjzf As Double = DataTables("自测成绩").SQLCompute("avg(总分)","学期= \'"& e.PostValues("学期") & "\' And 班级 = \'" & bjhc & "\' And 考试名称 =\'" & e.PostValues("ksmc") & "\' and 科目 = \'" & e.PostValues("km") & "\' and 教师身份证 = \'" & e.Cookies("username") & "\'and 总分>0") wb.insertHtml("form1", "<tr><td style=\'width:25%;font-size:15pt\' >平均分</td><td style=\'width:25%;font-size:15pt\' >" & Format(pja,"0.00") & "</td><td style=\'width:25%;font-size:15pt\' >" & Format(pjb,"0.00") & "</td><td style=\'width:25%;font-size:15pt\' >" & Format(pjzf,"0.00") & "</td></tr>") wb.insertHtml("form1", "</Table>") End If e.WriteString(wb.Build)
Dim e As RequestEventArgs = args(0) Dim wb As New WeUI Dim bjhc As String = trim(e.PostValues("xd") & e.PostValues("xj") & e.PostValues("bj")) wb.AddPageTitle("","pageheader","学生成绩保存") wb.AddForm("","form1","") Dim dr As DataRow = DataTables("用户").sqlfind("身份证号 = \'" & e.Cookies("username") & "\'") For Each key As String In e.Values.Keys Dim jlh As String = key.split("_")(1) Dim fdr As DataRow = DataTables("自测成绩").sqlfind("_Identify = \'" & jlh & "\'") fdr("A卷") = val(e.values("txt1_" & jlh)) fdr("B卷") = val(e.values("txt2_" & jlh)) fdr("总分")= val(e.values("txt1_" & jlh)) +val(e.values("txt2_" & jlh)) fdr.save() Next With wb.AddButtonGroup("form1","btg1", False) \'水平排列 .Add("btn6", "保存","submit") .Add("btn7", "返回","button").Attribute = "" End With wb.AppendHTML("<script src=\'./lib/order.js\'></script>") e.WriteString(wb.Build)
-- 作者:刘林
-- 发布时间:2017/10/4 10:48:00
-- 作者:有点蓝
-- 发布时间:2017/10/4 11:42:00
-- 作者:刘林
-- 发布时间:2017/10/4 14:15:00
-- 作者:有点蓝
-- 发布时间:2017/10/4 14:32:00
…… Else \'显示统计结果 Dim bjhc As String = trim(e.PostValues("xd") & e.PostValues("xj") & e.PostValues("bj")) wb.AppendCookie("xq",e.PostValues("学期")) wb.AppendCookie("bj",bjhc) wb.AppendCookie("km",e.PostValues("km")) wb.AppendCookie("ksmc",e.PostValues("ksmc")) wb.AddPageTitle("","pageheader","学生成绩表册",e.postvalues("学期") & ">" & bjhc & ">" & e.postvalues("km") & ">" & e.PostValues("ksmc")) \' wb.AddForm("","form1","") Dim dr As DataRow = DataTables("用户").sqlfind("身份证号 = \'" & e.Cookies("username") & "\'") Dim xss As List(Of DataRow) xss = DataTables("学生信息").sqlSelect("学校名称 = \'" & dr("group") & "\' And 班级 = \'" & bjhc & "\' and left(状态,2) =\'在读\'") For Each xs As DataRow In xss Dim pr As DataRow pr =DataTables("自测成绩").sqlfind("学期= \'"& e.PostValues("学期") & "\' and 学校名称 = \'" & dr("group") & "\' and 班级 = \'" & bjhc & "\' And 考试名称 =\'" & e.PostValues("ksmc") & "\' and 科目 = \'" & e.PostValues("km") & "\' and 身份证号 = \'" & xs("身份证件号") & "\'") If pr Is Nothing pr = DataTables("自测成绩").addnew() End If pr("学校名称")= dr("group") pr("考试名称")= e.PostValues("ksmc") pr("科目") =e.PostValues("km") pr("班级") = xs("班级") pr("姓名")=xs("学生姓名") pr("身份证号")=xs("身份证件号") pr("学期") = e.PostValues("学期") pr("考试日期")= e.postvalues("rq") pr("A卷满分")=val(e.postvalues("amf")) pr("B卷满分")=val(e.postvalues("bmf")) pr("A卷折率")=val(e.postvalues("az")) pr("B卷折率")=val(e.postvalues("bz")) pr("教师身份证")= e.Cookies("username") pr.save() Next For Each key As String In e.Values.Keys If key.Contains("txt1_") Dim jlh As String = key.split("_")(1) Dim fdr As DataRow = DataTables("自测成绩").sqlfind("_Identify = \'" & jlh & "\'") fdr("A卷") = val(e.values("txt1_" & jlh)) fdr("B卷") = val(e.values("txt2_" & jlh)) fdr("总分")= val(e.values("txt1_" & jlh)) +val(e.values("txt2_" & jlh)) fdr.save() End If Next wb.AddToast("","t1", "正在上传",1) \'定义提示 wb.AddForm("","form1","tfsz.htm").attribute= """ With wb.AddButtonGroup("form1","btg1", False) \'水平排列 .Add("btn6", "保存","submit") \'.Add("btn7", "返回","button","tfsz.htm")\'.Attribute = "" End With Dim xss1 As List(Of DataRow) =DataTables("自测成绩").sqlselect("学期= \'"& e.PostValues("学期") & "\' And 班级 = \'" & bjhc & "\' And 考试名称 =\'" & e.PostValues("ksmc") & "\' and 科目 = \'" & e.PostValues("km") & "\' and 教师身份证 = \'" & e.Cookies("username") & "\'","","总分 desc,姓名") wb.InsertHTML("form1", "<Table border=1 cellspacing=0 style=\'width:100%;text-align:center;\'><tr><td style=\'text-align:center;font-size: 15pt;strong\'>姓名</td><td style=\'text-align:center;font-size: 15pt\'>A卷</td><td style=\'text-align:center;font-size: 15pt\'>B卷</td><td style=\'text-align:center;font-size: 15pt\'>总分</td></tr>") For Each xs1 As DataRow In xss1 wb.insertHtml("form1", "<tr><td style=\'width:25%;font-size:15pt\' >" & xs1("姓名") & "</td><td style=\'width:25%\'><input style=\'width:95%;font-size: 15pt; border:none;text-align:center;\' type=\'number\' max= \'" & xs1("A卷满分") & "\' min =\'0\' name=\'txt1_" & xs1("_Identify") & "\' value=\'" & iif(xs1("A卷")>0, xs1("A卷"),"") & "\' /></td><td style=\'width:25%\'><input style=\'width:95%;font-size:15pt;border:none;text-align:center;\' type= \'number\' max= \'" & xs1("B卷满分") & "\' name=\'txt2_" & xs1("_Identify") & "\' value=\'" & iif(xs1("B卷")>0,xs1("B卷"),"") & "\' /></td><td style=\'width:25%;font-size:15pt\' >" & xs1("总分") & "</td></tr>") Next ……
-- 作者:刘林
-- 发布时间:2017/10/6 9:46:00
Dim e As RequestEventArgs = args(0) Dim wb As New WeUI wb.AddPageTitle("","pageheader","自测考试录入","请依次选填") wb.AddForm("","form1","cjbiao.htm") With wb.AddInputGroup("form1","ipg1","") .AddSelect("学期","学期",DataTables("自测成绩").SQLGetComboListString("学期","教师身份证= \'" & e.Cookies("username") & "\'","考试日期 desc")) .AddSelect("bj","班级",DataTables("自测成绩").SQLGetComboListString("班级","教师身份证= \'" & e.Cookies("username") & "\'","考试日期 desc")) .AddSelect("km","科目",DataTables("自测成绩").SQLGetComboListString("科目","教师身份证= \'" & e.Cookies("username") & "\'","考试日期 desc")) .Addselect("ksmc","考试名称",DataTables("自测成绩").SQLGetComboListString("考试名称","教师身份证= \'" & e.Cookies("username") & "\'","考试日期 desc")) End With With wb.AddButtonGroup("form1","btg1",False) .Add("btn1", "确定", "submit") .Add("btn1", "返回","","jwzrdefault.htm") End With e.WriteString(wb.Build)
Dim e As RequestEventArgs = args(0) Dim wb As New WeUI
wb.AddPageTitle("","pageheader","学生成绩表册",e.postvalues("学期") & ">" & e.postvalues("bj") & ">" & e.postvalues("km") & ">" & e.PostValues("ksmc")) wb.AddToast("","t1", "正在上传",1) \'定义提示 wb.AddForm("","form1","cjsave.htm").attribute= """ With wb.AddButtonGroup("form1","btg1", False) \'水平排列 .Add("btn6", "保存","submit") .Add("btn7", "返回","button","tfsz.htm")\'.Attribute = "" End With Dim dr As DataRow = DataTables("用户").sqlfind("身份证号 = \'" & e.Cookies("username") & "\'") Dim bjf As DataRow =DataTables("自测成绩").sqlfind("学期= \'"& e.PostValues("学期") & "\' And 班级 = \'" & e.postvalues("bj") & "\' And 考试名称 =\'" & e.PostValues("ksmc") & "\' and 科目 = \'" & e.PostValues("km") & "\' and 教师身份证 = \'" & e.Cookies("username") & "\'")
If bjf IsNot Nothing If bjf("B卷满分")>0 Dim xss As List(Of DataRow) =DataTables("自测成绩").sqlselect("学期= \'"& e.PostValues("学期") & "\' And 班级 = \'" & e.postvalues("bj") & "\' And 考试名称 =\'" & e.PostValues("ksmc") & "\' and 科目 = \'" & e.PostValues("km") & "\' and 教师身份证 = \'" & e.Cookies("username") & "\'","","折总 desc,姓名") For n As Integer = 0 To xss.Count - 1 \'遍历所有行 If n > 0 AndAlso xss(n)("折总") = xss(n-1)("折总") Then \'如果总分和上一行相同 xss(n)("折序") = xss(n-1)("折序") \'则排名等于上一行 Else xss(n)("折序") = n + 1 \'设置排名 End If Next wb.InsertHTML("form1", "<Table border=1 cellspacing=0 style=\'width:100%;text-align:center;\'><tr><td style=\'text-align:center;font-size: 15pt;strong\'>姓名</td><td style=\'text-align:center;font-size: 15pt\'>A卷</td><td style=\'text-align:center;font-size: 15pt\'>B卷</td><td style=\'text-align:center;font-size: 15pt\'>折总</td><td style=\'text-align:center;font-size: 15pt\'>折序</td></tr>") For Each xs As DataRow In xss wb.insertHtml("form1", "<tr><td style=\'width:20%;font-size:15pt\' >" & xs("姓名") & "</td><td style=\'width:20%\'><input style=\'width:95%;font-size: 15pt; border:none;text-align:center;\' type=\'number\' name=\'txt1_" & xs("_Identify") & "\' max= \'" & xs("A卷满分") & "\' min =\'0\' value=\'" & iif(xs("A卷")>0, xs("A卷"),"") & "\' /></td><td style=\'width:20%\'><input style=\'width:95%;font-size:15pt;border:none;text-align:center;\' type= \'number\' name=\'txt2_" & xs("_Identify") & "\' max= \'" & xs("B卷满分") & "\' min =\'0\' value=\'" & iif(xs("B卷")>0,xs("B卷"),"") & "\' /></td><td style=\'width:20%;font-size:15pt\' >" & iif(xs("折总")>0, xs("折总"),"") & "</td></td><td style=\'width:20%;font-size:15pt\' >" & iif(xs("折序")>0, xs("折序"),"") & "</td></tr>") Next Dim pja As Double = DataTables("自测成绩").SQLCompute("avg(A卷)","学期= \'"& e.PostValues("学期") & "\' And 班级 = \'" & e.postvalues("bj") & "\' And 考试名称 =\'" & e.PostValues("ksmc") & "\' and 科目 = \'" & e.PostValues("km") & "\' and 教师身份证 = \'" & e.Cookies("username") & "\' and 总分>0") Dim pjb As Double = DataTables("自测成绩").SQLCompute("avg(B卷)","学期= \'"& e.PostValues("学期") & "\' And 班级 = \'" & e.postvalues("bj") & "\' And 考试名称 =\'" & e.PostValues("ksmc") & "\' and 科目 = \'" & e.PostValues("km") & "\' and 教师身份证 = \'" & e.Cookies("username") & "\'and 总分>0") Dim pjzf As Double = DataTables("自测成绩").SQLCompute("avg(折总)","学期= \'"& e.PostValues("学期") & "\' And 班级 = \'" & e.postvalues("bj") & "\' And 考试名称 =\'" & e.PostValues("ksmc") & "\' and 科目 = \'" & e.PostValues("km") & "\' and 教师身份证 = \'" & e.Cookies("username") & "\'and 总分>0") wb.insertHtml("form1", "<tr><td style=\'width:20%;font-size:15pt\' >平均分</td><td style=\'width:20%;font-size:15pt\' >" & Format(pja,"0.00") & "</td><td style=\'width:20%;font-size:15pt\' >" & Format(pjb,"0.00") & "</td><td style=\'width:20%;font-size:15pt\' >" & Format(pjzf,"0.00") & "</td></td><td style=\'width:20%;font-size:15pt\' ></td></tr>") wb.insertHtml("form1", "</Table>") Else Dim xss As List(Of DataRow) =DataTables("自测成绩").sqlselect("学期= \'"& e.PostValues("学期") & "\' And 班级 = \'" & e.postvalues("bj") & "\' And 考试名称 =\'" & e.PostValues("ksmc") & "\' and 科目 = \'" & e.PostValues("km") & "\' and 教师身份证 = \'" & e.Cookies("username") & "\'","","总分 desc,姓名") For n As Integer = 0 To xss.Count - 1 \'遍历所有行 If n > 0 AndAlso xss(n)("总分") = xss(n-1)("总分") Then \'如果总分和上一行相同 xss(n)("总序") = xss(n-1)("总序") \'则排名等于上一行 Else xss(n)("总序") = n + 1 \'设置排名 End If Next wb.InsertHTML("form1", "<Table border=1 cellspacing=0 style=\'width:100%;text-align:center;\'><tr><td style=\'text-align:center;font-size: 15pt;strong\'>姓名</td><td style=\'text-align:center;font-size: 15pt\'>A卷</td><td style=\'text-align:center;font-size: 15pt\'>总分</td><td style=\'text-align:center;font-size: 15pt\'>总序</td></tr>") For Each xs As DataRow In xss wb.insertHtml("form1", "<tr><td style=\'width:20%;font-size:15pt\' >" & xs("姓名") & "</td><td style=\'width:20%\'><input style=\'width:95%;font-size: 15pt; border:none;text-align:center;\' type=\'number\' name=\'txt1_" & xs("_Identify") & "\' max= \'" & xs("A卷满分") & "\' min =\'0\' value=\'" & iif(xs("A卷")>0, xs("A卷"),"") & "\' /><td style=\'width:20%;font-size:15pt\' >" & iif(xs("总分")>0, xs("总分"),"") & "</td></td><td style=\'width:20%;font-size:15pt\'>" & iif(xs("总序")>0, xs("总序"),"") & "</td></tr>") Next Dim pja As Double = DataTables("自测成绩").SQLCompute("avg(A卷)","学期= \'"& e.PostValues("学期") & "\' And 班级 = \'" & e.postvalues("bj") & "\' And 考试名称 =\'" & e.PostValues("ksmc") & "\' and 科目 = \'" & e.PostValues("km") & "\' and 教师身份证 = \'" & e.Cookies("username") & "\' and 折总>0") \'\'Dim pjb As Double = DataTables("自测成绩").SQLCompute("avg(B卷)","学期= \'"& e.PostValues("学期") & "\' And 班级 = \'" & e.postvalues("bj") & "\' And 考试名称 =\'" & e.PostValues("ksmc") & "\' and 科目 = \'" & e.PostValues("km") & "\' and 教师身份证 = \'" & e.Cookies("username") & "\'and 折总>0") Dim pjzf As Double = DataTables("自测成绩").SQLCompute("avg(折总)","学期= \'"& e.PostValues("学期") & "\' And 班级 = \'" & e.postvalues("bj") & "\' And 考试名称 =\'" & e.PostValues("ksmc") & "\' and 科目 = \'" & e.PostValues("km") & "\' and 教师身份证 = \'" & e.Cookies("username") & "\'and 折总>0") wb.insertHtml("form1", "<tr><td style=\'width:25%;font-size:15pt\' >平均分</td><td style=\'width:25%;font-size:15pt\' >" & Format(pja,"0.00") & "</td><td style=\'width:25%;font-size:15pt\' >" & Format(pjzf,"0.00") & "</td></td></td><td style=\'width:25%;font-size:15pt\' ></td></tr>") wb.insertHtml("form1", "</Table>") End If End If e.WriteString(wb.Build)
Dim e As RequestEventArgs = args(0) Dim wb As New WeUI Dim bjhc As String = trim(e.PostValues("xd") & e.PostValues("xj") & e.PostValues("bj")) wb.AddPageTitle("","pageheader","学生成绩保存") wb.AddForm("","form1","") Dim dr As DataRow = DataTables("用户").sqlfind("身份证号 = \'" & e.Cookies("username") & "\'") For Each key As String In e.Values.Keys Dim jlh As String = key.split("_")(1) Dim fdr As DataRow = DataTables("自测成绩").sqlfind("_Identify = \'" & jlh & "\'") fdr("A卷") = val(e.values("txt1_" & jlh)) fdr("B卷") = val(e.values("txt2_" & jlh)) fdr("折总")=val(e.values("txt1_" & jlh))*val(fdr("A卷折率"))+ val(e.values("txt2_" & jlh))*val(fdr("B卷折率")) fdr("总分")= val(e.values("txt1_" & jlh)) +val(e.values("txt2_" & jlh)) fdr.save() Next With wb.AddButtonGroup("form1","btg1", False) \'水平排列 .Add("btn6", "保存","submit") .Add("btn7", "返回","button").Attribute = "" End With wb.AppendHTML("<script src=\'./lib/order.js\'></script>") e.WriteString(wb.Build)
-- 作者:有点甜
-- 发布时间:2017/10/6 9:55:00
2、用js,提交表单以后,刷新页面,也就是加上 location.reload();
-- 作者:刘林
-- 发布时间:2017/10/6 12:55:00
-- 作者:有点甜
-- 发布时间:2017/10/6 15:40:00
function myfunction(){ var result = submitAjaxForm(\'form1\',\'\',false); If (result ==\'OK\') {
} else {
showDialog(\'dlg2\',\'错误\',result)} }
-- 作者:刘林
-- 发布时间:2017/10/6 18:43:00
Dim e As RequestEventArgs = args(0) Dim wb As New WeUI
wb.AddPageTitle("","pageheader","学生成绩表册",e.postvalues("学期") & ">" & e.postvalues("bj") & ">" & e.postvalues("km") & ">" & e.PostValues("ksmc")) wb.AddToast("","t1", "正在上传",1) \'定义提示 wb.AddForm("","form1","cjsave.htm")\'.attribute= """ With wb.AddButtonGroup("form1","btg1", False) \'水平排列 .Add("btn6", "保存","submit")\'.Attribute= "" .Add("btn6", "统计","button").Attribute="" .Add("btn7", "返回","button","tfsz.htm")\'.Attribute = "" End With With wb.AddDialog("","dlg1", "提示","保存成功,是否继续录入") \'增加订单成功提示框 .AddButton("btnYes","是").Attribute = "" .AddButton("btnNo","否").Kind = 1 End With With wb.AddDialog("","dlg2", "错误","") \'增加订单失败提示框 .AddButton("btnOK","确定") End With Dim dr As DataRow = DataTables("用户").sqlfind("身份证号 = \'" & e.Cookies("username") & "\'") Dim bjf As DataRow =DataTables("自测成绩").sqlfind("学期= \'"& e.PostValues("学期") & "\' And 班级 = \'" & e.postvalues("bj") & "\' And 考试名称 =\'" & e.PostValues("ksmc") & "\' and 科目 = \'" & e.PostValues("km") & "\' and 教师身份证 = \'" & e.Cookies("username") & "\'") If bjf IsNot Nothing If bjf("B卷满分")>0 Dim xss As List(Of DataRow) =DataTables("自测成绩").sqlselect("学期= \'"& e.PostValues("学期") & "\' And 班级 = \'" & e.postvalues("bj") & "\' And 考试名称 =\'" & e.PostValues("ksmc") & "\' and 科目 = \'" & e.PostValues("km") & "\' and 教师身份证 = \'" & e.Cookies("username") & "\'","","折总 desc,姓名") For n As Integer = 0 To xss.Count - 1 \'遍历所有行 If n > 0 AndAlso xss(n)("折总") = xss(n-1)("折总") Then \'如果总分和上一行相同 xss(n)("折序") = xss(n-1)("折序") \'则排名等于上一行 Else xss(n)("折序") = n + 1 \'设置排名 End If Next wb.InsertHTML("form1", "<Table border=1 cellspacing=0 style=\'width:100%;text-align:center;\'><tr><td style=\'text-align:center;font-size: 15pt;strong\'>姓名</td><td style=\'text-align:center;font-size: 15pt\'>A卷</td><td style=\'text-align:center;font-size: 15pt\'>B卷</td><td style=\'text-align:center;font-size: 15pt\'>折总</td><td style=\'text-align:center;font-size: 15pt\'>折序</td></tr>") For Each xs As DataRow In xss wb.insertHtml("form1", "<tr><td style=\'width:20%;font-size:15pt\' >" & xs("姓名") & "</td><td style=\'width:20%\'><input style=\'width:95%;font-size: 15pt; border:none;text-align:center;\' type=\'number\' name=\'txt1_" & xs("_Identify") & "\' max= \'" & xs("A卷满分") & "\' min =\'0\' value=\'" & iif(xs("A卷")>0, xs("A卷"),"") & "\' /></td><td style=\'width:20%\'><input style=\'width:95%;font-size:15pt;border:none;text-align:center;\' type= \'number\' name=\'txt2_" & xs("_Identify") & "\' max= \'" & xs("B卷满分") & "\' min =\'0\' value=\'" & iif(xs("B卷")>0,xs("B卷"),"") & "\' /></td><td style=\'width:20%;font-size:15pt\' >" & iif(xs("折总")>0, xs("折总"),"") & "</td></td><td style=\'width:20%;font-size:15pt\' >" & iif(xs("折序")>0, xs("折序"),"") & "</td></tr>") Next Dim pja As Double = DataTables("自测成绩").SQLCompute("avg(A卷)","学期= \'"& e.PostValues("学期") & "\' And 班级 = \'" & e.postvalues("bj") & "\' And 考试名称 =\'" & e.PostValues("ksmc") & "\' and 科目 = \'" & e.PostValues("km") & "\' and 教师身份证 = \'" & e.Cookies("username") & "\' and 总分>0") Dim pjb As Double = DataTables("自测成绩").SQLCompute("avg(B卷)","学期= \'"& e.PostValues("学期") & "\' And 班级 = \'" & e.postvalues("bj") & "\' And 考试名称 =\'" & e.PostValues("ksmc") & "\' and 科目 = \'" & e.PostValues("km") & "\' and 教师身份证 = \'" & e.Cookies("username") & "\'and 总分>0") Dim pjzf As Double = DataTables("自测成绩").SQLCompute("avg(折总)","学期= \'"& e.PostValues("学期") & "\' And 班级 = \'" & e.postvalues("bj") & "\' And 考试名称 =\'" & e.PostValues("ksmc") & "\' and 科目 = \'" & e.PostValues("km") & "\' and 教师身份证 = \'" & e.Cookies("username") & "\'and 总分>0") wb.insertHtml("form1", "<tr><td style=\'width:20%;font-size:15pt\' >平均分</td><td style=\'width:20%;font-size:15pt\' >" & Format(pja,"0.00") & "</td><td style=\'width:20%;font-size:15pt\' >" & Format(pjb,"0.00") & "</td><td style=\'width:20%;font-size:15pt\' >" & Format(pjzf,"0.00") & "</td></td><td style=\'width:20%;font-size:15pt\' ></td></tr>") wb.insertHtml("form1", "</Table>") Else Dim xss As List(Of DataRow) =DataTables("自测成绩").sqlselect("学期= \'"& e.PostValues("学期") & "\' And 班级 = \'" & e.postvalues("bj") & "\' And 考试名称 =\'" & e.PostValues("ksmc") & "\' and 科目 = \'" & e.PostValues("km") & "\' and 教师身份证 = \'" & e.Cookies("username") & "\'","","总分 desc,姓名") For n As Integer = 0 To xss.Count - 1 \'遍历所有行 If n > 0 AndAlso xss(n)("总分") = xss(n-1)("总分") Then \'如果总分和上一行相同 xss(n)("总序") = xss(n-1)("总序") \'则排名等于上一行 Else xss(n)("总序") = n + 1 \'设置排名 End If Next wb.InsertHTML("form1", "<Table border=1 cellspacing=0 style=\'width:100%;text-align:center;\'><tr><td style=\'text-align:center;font-size: 15pt;strong\'>姓名</td><td style=\'text-align:center;font-size: 15pt\'>A卷</td><td style=\'text-align:center;font-size: 15pt\'>总分</td><td style=\'text-align:center;font-size: 15pt\'>总序</td></tr>") For Each xs As DataRow In xss wb.insertHtml("form1", "<tr><td style=\'width:20%;font-size:15pt\' >" & xs("姓名") & "</td><td style=\'width:20%\'><input style=\'width:95%;font-size: 15pt; border:none;text-align:center;\' type=\'number\' name=\'txt1_" & xs("_Identify") & "\' max= \'" & xs("A卷满分") & "\' min =\'0\' value=\'" & iif(xs("A卷")>0, xs("A卷"),"") & "\' /><td style=\'width:20%;font-size:15pt\' >" & iif(xs("总分")>0, xs("总分"),"") & "</td></td><td style=\'width:20%;font-size:15pt\'>" & iif(xs("总序")>0, xs("总序"),"") & "</td></tr>") Next Dim pja As Double = DataTables("自测成绩").SQLCompute("avg(A卷)","学期= \'"& e.PostValues("学期") & "\' And 班级 = \'" & e.postvalues("bj") & "\' And 考试名称 =\'" & e.PostValues("ksmc") & "\' and 科目 = \'" & e.PostValues("km") & "\' and 教师身份证 = \'" & e.Cookies("username") & "\' and 折总>0") \'\'Dim pjb As Double = DataTables("自测成绩").SQLCompute("avg(B卷)","学期= \'"& e.PostValues("学期") & "\' And 班级 = \'" & e.postvalues("bj") & "\' And 考试名称 =\'" & e.PostValues("ksmc") & "\' and 科目 = \'" & e.PostValues("km") & "\' and 教师身份证 = \'" & e.Cookies("username") & "\'and 折总>0") Dim pjzf As Double = DataTables("自测成绩").SQLCompute("avg(折总)","学期= \'"& e.PostValues("学期") & "\' And 班级 = \'" & e.postvalues("bj") & "\' And 考试名称 =\'" & e.PostValues("ksmc") & "\' and 科目 = \'" & e.PostValues("km") & "\' and 教师身份证 = \'" & e.Cookies("username") & "\'and 折总>0") wb.insertHtml("form1", "<tr><td style=\'width:25%;font-size:15pt\' >平均分</td><td style=\'width:25%;font-size:15pt\' >" & Format(pja,"0.00") & "</td><td style=\'width:25%;font-size:15pt\' >" & Format(pjzf,"0.00") & "</td></td></td><td style=\'width:25%;font-size:15pt\' ></td></tr>") wb.insertHtml("form1", "</Table>") End If End If wb.AppendHTML("<script src=\'./lib/ajaxform.js\'></script>") e.WriteString(wb.Build)
Dim e As RequestEventArgs = args(0) Dim wb As New WeUI Dim bjhc As String = trim(e.PostValues("xd") & e.PostValues("xj") & e.PostValues("bj")) wb.AddPageTitle("","pageheader","学生成绩保存") wb.AddForm("","form1","") Dim dr As DataRow = DataTables("用户").sqlfind("身份证号 = \'" & e.Cookies("username") & "\'") For Each key As String In e.Values.Keys Dim jlh As String = key.split("_")(1) Dim fdr As DataRow = DataTables("自测成绩").sqlfind("_Identify = \'" & jlh & "\'") fdr("A卷") = val(e.values("txt1_" & jlh)) fdr("B卷") = val(e.values("txt2_" & jlh)) fdr("折总")=val(e.values("txt1_" & jlh))*val(fdr("A卷折率"))+ val(e.values("txt2_" & jlh))*val(fdr("B卷折率")) fdr("总分")= val(e.values("txt1_" & jlh)) +val(e.values("txt2_" & jlh)) fdr.save() Next With wb.AddButtonGroup("form1","btg1", False) \'水平排列 \'\' .Add("btn6", "保存","submit") .Add("btn7", "返回","button").Attribute = "" End With wb.AppendHTML("<script src=\'./lib/order.js\'></script>") e.WriteString(wb.Build)
老师你好,我按照你的指导做了测试还是不行呢,我就加了一个.Add("btn6", "统计","button").Attribute="",用来保存后手动返回cjbiao再手动刷新成绩表,这样就多了两个步骤,还是想只要保存后就恻刷新,就问如何改,js写了也不行呢。请老师帮指导,谢谢