以文本方式查看主题 - Foxtable(狐表) (http://foxtable.com/bbs/index.asp) -- 专家坐堂 (http://foxtable.com/bbs/list.asp?boardid=2) ---- excel数据更新到项目的问题 (http://foxtable.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=102185) |
-- 作者:abc2363360 -- 发布时间:2017/6/14 17:07:00 -- excel数据更新到项目的问题 更新规则: 如果不存在,则整行新增到项目内
点击按钮1弹出选择要更新有文件 选择好后确认 提示确认导入 更新完成提示更新了多少条数据 完成后提示新增多少条数据
以下是现有的代码,但是不能弹出选择文件,导入时间只显示日期,时间都是00,麻烦大神帮忙修改一下 Dim Book As New XLS.Book("C:\\1111.xlsx") Dim s1 As new List(of String) For n As Integer = 1 To Sheet.Rows.Count -1 |
-- 作者:abc2363360 -- 发布时间:2017/6/14 17:08:00 --
-- 作者:有点色 -- 发布时间:2017/6/14 17:49:00 -- Dim dlg As new OpenFileDialog dlg.Filter = "excel文件|*.xls;*.xlsx" If dlg.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then Dim App As New MSExcel.Application try Dim Wb As MSExcel.Workbook = App.WorkBooks.Open(dlg.FileName) Dim Ws As MSExcel.WorkSheet = Wb.WorkSheets(1) Tables("商机单跟进表").StopRedraw() Dim nms() As String = {"受理时间","外呼时间","录入时间"} Dim dict As new Dictionary(of String,Integer) Dim dict2 As new Dictionary(of String,Integer) Dim Rg As MSExcel.Range = Ws.UsedRange Dim ary = rg.value For c As Integer = 1 To rg.Columns.Count If array.Indexof(nms, ary(1, c)) >= 0 Then dict.add(ary(1, c), c) End If If Tables("商机单跟进表").Cols.Contains(ary(1,c)) Then dict2.add(ary(1, c), c) End If Next Dim newcount As Integer = 0 Dim Modifycount As Integer = 0 For n As Integer = 2 To rg.Rows.count Dim bh As String = ary(n, 4) Dim dr As DataRow = DataTables("商机单跟进表").Find("工单号或受理人 = \'" & bh & "\'") If dr Is Nothing Then \'如果不存在同编号的订单 dr = DataTables("商机单跟进表").AddNew() For Each key As String In dict2.Keys dr(key) = ary(n,dict2(key)) Next newcount += 1 Else For Each key As String In dict.Keys dr(key) = ary(n,dict(key)) Next Modifycount += 1 End If Next Tables("商机单跟进表").ResumeRedraw() msgbox(newcount & " " & Modifycount) catch ex As exception msgbox(ex.message) app.quit End try End If |
-- 作者:采菊东篱下 -- 发布时间:2024/3/14 23:09:00 -- 回错了地方,不好意思。 [此贴子已经被作者于2024/3/14 23:13:47编辑过]