以文本方式查看主题 - Foxtable(狐表) (http://foxtable.com/bbs/index.asp) -- 专家坐堂 (http://foxtable.com/bbs/list.asp?boardid=2) ---- 请教分页加载 排序的问题? (http://foxtable.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=100955) |
-- 作者:jswjyjf -- 发布时间:2017/5/22 14:11:00 -- 请教分页加载 排序的问题? 我有一个进货单 现在我用以下代码实现分页加载了 并按单据号 排序,但是结果排序没有按照单据号来了 ,不知道什么原因?代码如下 Dim Filter As String = "1=1" With e.Form.Controls("khname") If .Value IsNot Nothing Then If Filter > "" Then Filter = Filter & " And " End If Filter = Filter & "供应商名称 = \'" & .Value & "\'" End If End With With e.Form.Controls("ckname") If .Value IsNot Nothing Then If Filter > "" Then Filter = Filter & " And " End If Filter = Filter & "仓库 = \'" & .Value & "\'" End If End With With e.Form.Controls("StartDate") If .Value IsNot Nothing Then If Filter >"" Then Filter = Filter & " And " End If Filter = Filter & "日期 >=\'" & .Value & "\'" End If End With With e.Form.Controls("EndDate") If .Value IsNot Nothing Then If Filter >"" Then Filter = Filter & " And " End If Filter = Filter & "日期 <=\'" & .Value & "\'" End If End With If e.Form.Controls("rdo1").Checked = True If Filter >"" Then Filter = Filter & " And " End If Filter = Filter & "单据状态=\'已审核\'" End If If e.Form.Controls("rdo2").Checked = True If Filter >"" Then Filter = Filter & " And " End If Filter = Filter & "单据状态<>\'已审核\' or 单据状态 is null" End If With DataTables("进货单") .LoadFilter = "" .LoadFilter = filter .LoadPage = 0 \'加载第一页 .LoadOver="_Identify" .LoadOrder = "单据号" .LoadTop =60 \'每页60行 .Load() e.Form.Controls("TextBox1").Value = 1 & "/" & .TotalPages End With Tables("进货单").sort="单据号" Dim hjsl,hjje As Double hjsl=DataTables("进货单").sqlcompute("sum(数量)",filter) hjje=DataTables("进货单").sqlcompute("sum(金额)",filter) \'hjsl=DataTables("销售单").sqlcompute("count([_Identify])",filter) e.Form.Controls("NumericComboBox1").value=hjsl e.Form.Controls("NumericComboBox2").value=hjje If Tables("进货单").rows.count=0 Tables("进货单").GrandTotal = False Else Tables("进货单").Cols("金额").GrandTotal = True Tables("进货单").GrandTotal = True \'显示合计模式 End If |
-- 作者:有点色 -- 发布时间:2017/5/22 14:45:00 -- 要这样设置
.LoadOver = "单据号"
.LoadOrder = "单据号"
-- 作者:jswjyjf -- 发布时间:2017/5/23 9:47:00 -- 还是没有变化 还是没有变化 [此贴子已经被作者于2017/5/23 9:49:42编辑过]
-- 作者:有点色 -- 发布时间:2017/5/23 11:48:00 -- 你现在是加载的数据不正确,还是说显示的时候排序不正确?
你最后写代码排序一下试试 Tables("进货单").sort="单据号" |